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Showing posts from April, 2008

daily photos: lindy hopping pirates

These photos were not taken today. They were not even taken by me. But they are way cool. [I think I look like I'm flying! lol] [This is a move called the worm *] A few weeks ago, I went down to Atlanta with friends to do some lindy hopping . On Saturday night, we dressed like pirates before we went lindy hopping. These photos (which I found online) are from the first jam circle at the Captain's Ball. Don't know what a jam circle is? Check out this video . Most of the people that went into that jam circle are really really good dancers and so I felt kinda cool that I got in the jam circle too. ^_^ --Tiffany Anne ^_^ *To see the worm in action go to 2:45 & 3:05 on this video .

Miss Tiffany Doesn't Mess Around

I had a rough day today. Because of how my work day ended, it has been chalked up as my worst day at my current job ever. I've had my fair share of rough days ; many more than I've mentioned. Days that make me question my desire to have lots of kiddos of my own. Days that stress me out from my very core to the tips of my long, well-manicured hands. However. Every time I've ever had a bad day, it ended well. The kids hugged me and kissed me and I left the stress behind. And it was all good. Today was different. Today was the first day in four years that I've left work and not just let it go. The screaming, the fighting, the general misbehaving. It drove me absolutely crazy. And, while the older two were mostly fighting or in time out, the baby was super hot with fever and feeling miserable. It was just a miserable day. Except when Sharon was over. That made my day way better. Yay for friends. I don't know what has gotten into them, but I hope that Wednesday is bet...

daily photo: worn out

I got these shoes for Christmas. The other day, I was wearing them and got pretty confused when I was having a hard time spinning in my dance shoes. Then I realized--I've worn through them. I wore through ninety dollar shoes in three-and-a-half months . I guess that's what I get for wearing shoes with a suede sole to the dance floor I frequent as often as I do. So, I'm going to get them resoled soon, because I much prefer dancing in my heels to my loafers. This time, though, I'm getting leather put on the bottom. Slick...and a bit more durable.

daily photo: let's dance

Because I didn't do a Friday photo, here are two photos from Saturday: Christian dipping me *low*. Just because he can. So much fun! He dipped me like this at ATLX--but it was lower this time. ^_^ See those shoes I'm wearing? A very very very wonderful gal lent them to me. I walked into the studio, sat down, open my bag and pulled out one shoe. There was only one shoe in my bag. Oh crap. Luckily, another gal there had a pair of shoes that fit me! Yay! And, yes, Stargirl , I think they're kind of cute! Swing dance at a local dance studio (on, zOMG, hardwood floors). It was lots and lots of fun. The couple on the far right, Sue and Katie, were two instructors from the workshop I went to on Saturday. (Also instructors at my last workshop.) I got to dance with Sue. He is such a freaking awesome dancer--they both are. It's so much fun just to watch them dance. Not only because they are so good, but because they have so much fun when they're dancing!


A couple of months ago, Jeff was writing out my paycheck when Lauren asked me why I needed the money. "To buy socks," I told her. That was the truth, too; I needed new socks. So the wee one up and decides that *she* wants to pay me. I insisted that I did not want to take any of her money but she really really wanted to give me some money. "So you can buy your socks!" She said with a grin. So, I relent. I take a dingy copper penny from her and pocket it. I promise her if it turns out that I buy socks and don't need her penny, that I'll give her the $.01 back. Which I do the following week. Today, I'm helping Alex count the money in his piggy bank. It turns out to be $16.85. "You can borrow some if you want." "Borrow your money? For what?" "To buy your socks!"

daily photo: dip!

Took this photo at 365 in Clemson at last night's late night dance. Which means it was taken anywhere between midnight and 2am. They guy dipping is my friend Mike who is becoming an increasingly better lindy hopper and blues dancer. This makes me happy. I think the world needs a few more people who will dance blues. Particularly people who are not sketchy. I love love love this photo because, seriously, how much fun does it look like they are having?

I'm taking a different street

Autobiography in Five Short Chapters by Portia Nelson Chapter One: I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk I fall in. I am lost ... I am helpless. It isn't my fault. It takes me forever to find a way out. Chapter Two: I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don't see it. I fall in again. I can't believe I am in the same place but, it isn't my fault. It still takes a long time to get out. Chapter Three: I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there. I still fall in ... it's a habit. my eyes are open I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately. Chapter Four: I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it. Chapter Five: I walk down another street.

daily photo: cruisin' for a bruisin'

My car is not okay. Thanks to our great God in heaven, I am. I'm slightly annoyed with myself, but other than that, I'm good. Actually, I was quite cheery tonight at the dance. I dunno why, because I think I have justifiable reasons to be less than happy , but I am just quite happy these days. Perhaps it's because I am constantly reminding myself that God has got good plans in store for me. That just makes me kind of excited.

Matters of the Heart

So, in my Sunday School class, we're going through a book that I've already read a few times: " Doing Things Right in Matters of the Heart ." Because of various overlapping events (a 5-year-old's birthday party, ATLX5) this was my first time since the class started. When the class started, Alan had papers with questions passed around. As I got mine, I looked down and read through all the questions. I stopped at the fourth question, "Describe for me, in your own words, the woman you would like to marry (physically, mentally, and spiritually)." Stop. Read again. So, then, after swapping my paper with a nearby guy, I started over. My eyes scanned the questions again and came to a screeching halt at that last question. Not because it was the last, no, but because of what it asked. "Give me several reasons why a man should marry you." Ha! Several reasons why a man SHOULD marry me? Well, I know for a fact that there are one or two men out there who h...

Can't You Read The Sign?

In line with yesterday's blog about the most sinful cities in America, I thought I'd discuss the 7 deadly sins again. But, for today, a different set of sins. In case didn't hear, the Vatican announced in L'Osservatore Romano ("The Roman Observer" is the official Vatican newspaper) new and updated deadly sins earlier this spring. Here are the original seven deadly sins: Pride Envy Gluttony Lust Anger Greed Sloth The new seven are as follows: Pedophilia Abortion Ruining the environment Carrying out morally debatable scientific experiments Allowing genetic manipulations which alter DNA or compromise embryos Dealing or taking drugs Social injustice that causes poverty or the excessive accumulation of wealth by a few Now we have 14 deadly sins and I can't help but wonder...why the need for "deadly" sins at all? Is not all sin deadly? Perhaps people need to have a handy little check list to look over when the day is done-- Nope! Didn't ruin the...

daily photo: go to

This earing is half a set. When I made these earrings a few years ago, I had no idea how much I would wear them. Now, they're my go-to pair and I wear them constantly.

America's Most Sinful Cities

So, this past February (Valentine's Day, to be exact) Forbes published a list of America's Most Sinful Cities . It's rather interesting and has an interactive map and everything. This was actually what Peter, my pastor, used as an intro for today's sermon on Luke 13:1-5 (about repenting). I found it rather interesting and thought I would share it. These are only the top 3 for each category, but go to the website to see the top 10 lists. Also you can click on each category to go to their respective articles. Avarice : This list was compiled using the Forbes 400 list which ranks the wealthiest Americans. 1. San Jose, CA 2. San Francisco, CA 3. Seattle, WA Envy : Missing your stuff? These cities have the highest property crime rates. 1. Memphis, TN 2. Charlotte, NC (Look out, Stargirl !) 3. San Antonio, TX Gluttony : America's heaviest cities. 1. Memphis, TN 2. Birmingham, AL 3. San Antonio, TX Lust : According to their condom and contraceptive purchases, these cities ...


Awww.... Who doesn't just love an adorable little lolcat ? For some reason, it makes me think of Notting Hill . "I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her."

daily photo: olive oyl

Publix is having some sort of Italian sale. Or at least they were when I went to the grocery store a few days ago. So I stocked up on pasta, sauce and--of course--olive oil. Buy one get one free olive oil? Heck yes! I took this photo literally just now. I didn't bother to turn any more lights on, that's why it's so dark. Lightened up the photo a bit in Picasa, which, by the way, I fully love for editing photos!

daily photo: chinelas

My flip-flops in the grass. We had a picnic lunch today with one of the neighbor kids. When his mom called to have him sent home she said she felt sort of bad because I had four with me and she had none. But we had invited the little boy over and, anyway, they played with each other instead of bugging me. This (like all the pictures since In Pursuit was born on the 14th) was taken with a FugiFilm E900. Yep, I got a new one. It is such a nice camera, I'm glad to have one again!

Higher education

So, I got mail today from both College of Charleston and Greenville Tech. College of Charleston was letting me know that they had accepted me. Greenville Tech was letting me know that, because of my good performance in the fall semester, I had made it onto the dean's list. The good dean's list, just to clarify. That's pretty nice. "Isn't Charleston known because it's a party school?" My dad asked. Uh...yeah. Pretty much. I've considered pretty seriously going there, actually. In the end, I decided that, no, I didn't want to go there. After all, it would involve leaving my home and I've no desire to do that. Next semester, I'll be at USC Upstate (we're Spartans, not gamecocks) and a little further on my journey to becoming a world famous journalist.

Came out of left field

"So...I have some news that is going to knock your socks off!" "Oh yeah?" ::sounds excited:: "Yes! It's really big." ::if this is in person, then the other 1/2 of the conversation glances down at my leftie to check for any new bling-bling:: "Are you ready?" "Okay! My socks are on. I'm ready!" :: if this is via telephone, the other 1/2 of the conversation sounds increasingly excited:: "Calvin broke up with me." " WHAT ???!!!" I like the news to come out of left field for the other person too. It makes me know that I have company with whom to be shocked with. Me? I'm doing better than can be expected. Certainly better than I deserve. God is good. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV)

daily photo: carolina girl

One of my favorite things about South Carolina is our flag . Dadgumit, we love that palmetto tree. It's everywhere. Flip-flops, pocketbooks, coffee cups, etc . This is a Christmas ornament I got ages ago. I keep it hanging on a hook year-round though because, obviously, I love the Palmetto tree and crescent design.

daily photo: curious

After living in want since I first saw the commercial , I bought some Curious by Britney Spears . I love the stuff. It smells so good and the bottle is too cute! Only bought the teeny five-dollar bottle because it takes me ages to go through perfume and I wasn't sure how I would feel about it once I bought it. Well, when this runs out, I'm getting more.

daily photo: muffin top

Saw this downtown when with my friend (and ROOMIE!) Ellen. Bizzaro ad campaign for Bloom ?

daily photo: spotted

The end of the year dance is in just a week and I've already picked out my oh-so-cute outfit. Little black dress from BITTEN, pink sweater, pink polka-dot scarf. Maybe I'll wear a pair of Keds so I can look all sock-hoppy.

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