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Hello! My name is Tiffany and I blog in Greenville, South Carolina. I'm wife to Mike and mom to Jojo & Ruthie.

I've been writing this blog for ages. Go ahead, check out the archives; they're downright embarrassing. But every step has brought me to where I am today and I don't want to hide that woman from whom I have evolved.

In this blog, I share little mini-adventures with my family, tales from my fitness journey, and I also share some of my struggles to remind other mamas that we're not alone in this mess!

My goal is to be really real, not shallow, and to genuinely connect.

Random facts about me:
  • Being in nature is restorative for my soul.
  • I'm an ambivert.
  • I am a triathlete and a fair weather runner.
  • I'm a major bird nerd.
  • I love McDonalds and also kale salad.
  • I prefer my lemonade a bit watered down.
  • I'm a MOPS mama!
  • I have had a huge crush on my husband since the moment I met him.
  • I'll never be finished and I'll never be perfect.

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