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i have a planner problem.

[This isn't my current planner setup. Its from 2018. I wanted a photo for this post, but I didn't feel like taking a current one.]

My knees ache. I've been sitting on the floor, criss cross apple sauce, for the past hour working on my planner. It's been AGES since I've planned. That is to say, set up my weekly planner spread in the scrapbooking, stickering, color coding sense. I'm glad I did. It gives me a chance to get a good look at the upcoming week while have fun stickering.

I love stickers. Always have. I spent way too much of my allowance on stickers when I was a kid. What I did with them, I can't even recall. Here I am, decades later, still a sticker hoarder. Well, wanting to actually use up the stickers that were bought with hard earned money was partially why I spent time planning tonight. 

Also because I am not only a sticker addict; I am also a planner addict.

I started the year committed to doing a bullet journal. I love bullet journaling. But sometime around June, I desired a printed planner. So, I purchased the Law Of Attraction planner off Amazon.

Side note: I had never heard of the Law Of Attraction until I purchased this planner. I didn't purchase it because I believe in the Law of Attraction. I purchased it because it was only, like, $10 for a planner than seemed really quality.

Anyway. I was all about that for a while. But, like with many things, I'm an excellent starter. My follow through, however, leaves much to be desired. But pretty planners always draw me in like the siren's call.

I had wanted a new planner for the school year. But, y'all, I already have the perfectly serviceable LOA planner. Have I recently realized that an hourly planner isn't my thing? Sure. But washi tape and/or whiteout tape covers many sins. So, all that rambling to say, I'm working with what I have. Sticking with the LOA planner to see out my year.

I have big intentions to actually stay dedicated for this season.

I'm actually going to need it. What with in person AND virtual school and not knowing how many days they'll be going week by week. 

Also, I have to start training for a couple of upcoming races this week. Goodness knows how I'm going to fit that in with both kids at home most of the time. That's a whole 'nother blog for a whole 'nother day. 

Off to bed with me. I can hear the cicadas outside, but only if I focus. I told my parents, weeks ago, that I couldn't hear them in my house. But I can. I just have to be listening for them.


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