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memoir writing

Lately, I've been feeling like a big ol' boring mom. I have a quarantine funk that comes and goes. (I don't mean a smell. I mean a mood.)

It popped into my head the other day that I should look into signing up for one of those free online college courses. Something really interesting, though. See, a couple of years ago, I signed up for Intro to Psychology or something. However, it didn't hold my interest, so I didn't finish.

After a few google searches for interesting Coursera/edx/etc courses, I came across a few creative writing courses that piqued my interest. And then! I found a specialization (on Coursera, a specialization is a series of courses) on memoir writing. Well, as a blogger, that is totally up my alley. Its 100% free to audit the course, so that it was I decided to do.

I started last night, listening to the first couple lectures (just a few minutes each) and taking notes. I scrolled ahead to see what the first week's assignment was. It's about writing a letter to someone who was a significant figure in your life as a child or young person. I went to bed thinking about who I could possibly write about.

This unraveled to me spending a good amount of time squirming in latent embarrassment as a I remembered awkward moments from my past.

So, that was fun.

I did eventually come up with possibly the only person who fits the bill. I'm going to try to finish the lecture portion today and then get to work on my essay. I'll probably be posting the letter that I write here, so be on the look our for it.

I also signed up for a free creative writing course that I plan to do after I finish the memoir course.

Here is a link to the Memoir and Personal essay specialization if anyone is curious.


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