Publix is having some sort of Italian sale. Or at least they were when I went to the grocery store a few days ago. So I stocked up on pasta, sauce and--of course--olive oil. Buy one get one free olive oil? Heck yes! I took this photo literally just now. I didn't bother to turn any more lights on, that's why it's so dark. Lightened up the photo a bit in Picasa, which, by the way, I fully love for editing photos!
Publix is having some sort of Italian sale. Or at least they were when I went to the grocery store a few days ago. So I stocked up on pasta, sauce and--of course--olive oil. Buy one get one free olive oil? Heck yes! I took this photo literally just now. I didn't bother to turn any more lights on, that's why it's so dark. Lightened up the photo a bit in Picasa, which, by the way, I fully love for editing photos!
Poor girl in a dark house. At least you're stocked up on food!