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Showing posts from January, 2009

Miss me much?

I hope you say yes. I've been busy, super busy. I went to an Indian seminar this past weekend and I have been bogged down with school. So bogged down, in fact, that I haven't been lindy hopping in three weeks. Gasp--but, I'm hanging in there. It's not like I haven't been online, though, because I totally have. I want to share with you a few of my new loves and additions to the RSS feed. Worthington Wire - created by Mrs. Fussypants who describes it as a sort of "“Drudge for Chicks” DivineCaroline - a website full of articles written by real women on every topic under the sun. ♥, TiffanyAnne

"Praise Song for the Day" by Elizabeth Alexander

Praise song for the day. Each day we go about our business, walking past each other, catching each others' eyes or not, about to speak or speaking. All about us is noise. All about us is noise and bramble, thorn and din, each one of our ancestors on our tongues. Someone is stitching up a hem, darning a hole in a uniform, patching a tire, repairing the things in need of repair. Someone is trying to make music somewhere with a pair of wooden spoons on an oil drum with cello, boom box, harmonica, voice. A woman and her son wait for the bus. A farmer considers the changing sky; A teacher says, "Take out your pencils. Begin." We encounter each other in words, words spiny or smooth, whispered or declaimed; words to consider, reconsider. We cross dirt roads and highways that mark the will of someone and then others who said, "I need to see what's on the other side; I know there's something better down the road." We need to find a place where we are safe; We wal...

They call me mellow yellow

"We ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around, when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right." It kind of reminds me of that sweet song: "Red and yellow, black and white. They are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world. Some people are saying that this was "inspiring" while still other cite the colorful quip as "racist" and "demeaning". The UK Times Online says that the final bit of the speech was a "great tonic" after all the seriousness of the day. I'm curious as to what you think. Racist? Funny? What's everyone making a big deal about? ♥, TiffanyAnne

it was supposed to snow :(

a snowflake falls and melts on the ground mom goes to the market to buy bread and milk kids wear pajamas inside-out a superstition for school closings tomorrow morning we'll watch the news with fingers crossed ♥, TiffanyAnne p.s. photo not mine! photo is "snowflake on black" from my favorite photoblog daily dose of imagery

I'm Addicted ♥, TiffanyAnne

ds sleeve

I got a Nintendo DS for Christmas from Mike and I just absolutely love it. I've been looking for something to keep it safe while I throw it in my purse and wherever else I may toss it. After some looking around, I actually found one that was cute. Now my DS is safe and stylish. I have three games for my DS: Brain Age 2 (which I got for Christmas with the DS), of course. Of course I have Brain Age, I think everyone (at least every adult) that owns a DS should have it; this game really makes you think. Personal Trainer: Cooking is the game you see Lisa Kudrow using to make kung pao chicken in this commercial . I haven't used it yet, but I'll let you know what I think of it when I do. Hotel Dusk: Room 215 is an rpg that plays like a detective novel. I say "novel" because there is a lot of reading in the story. It's fun and super addictive game that you really need to up your creativity to get through the game sometimes. I'm looking for something similar w...

He falls asleep on the school bus every day.

He had huge purple bags under his eyes. I think those were to catch the crocodile tears. He howled because he was starving. He howled because he didn't need a nap. "30 minutes," I told him. "Lie down for 30 minutes and then you can be up." So, very begrudgingly and knowing he couldn't win, he went down. Surprise, surprise! He actually fell asleep! 45 minutes later--so I fudged a little!--I go in his room. "You can be up now." I rub his arm. "Want to watch a TV show and have a mix*?" Just like I promised. He looks at me, rubs his face, and goes back to sleep. Oh yeah. This nanny was right, kiddo. *A "mix" is a mixture of snacks. Fruit snacks, cheez-its, crackers, the occasional marshmellow, cranberries, etc. This is their favorite snack.

Real Advice From Real Women

Okay, so, I found the cutest website just now and I have got to share. The way this website works, I think, is that a user posts a question and other users share their own tips as to how to solve various dilemas. For example: How to keep children amused on what feels like an interminable family holiday? How to grow garden pot plants that your dog won't chew? How to poop discreetly at your boyfriend's house? How to clean your foundation brush? How to fall asleep faster and easier? Why, yes, that was very random! I could get addicted to this website very quickly just wandering around and seeing what random things people need advice with and the tips people give. ♥, TiffanyAnne

polka time

Though they started appearing in 2007, flat or hinged wallets got to super-hot status last fall. I, being far off the fashion radar, had never even seen one until my roommate showed me hers [pictured]. It was handed down to me when she switched over to a hobo clutch. Used or not, I love this wallet. It's a good size to just throw in my purse, but it's also versatile and cute enough to use as a clutch when I don't feel like carrying my bag. My sister was up with this trend before me and picked up a wallet at Forever 21 . You can however find one similar to mine ( except it's black-with-polka-dots) on . There's also really super cute ones at Target . ♥, TiffanyAnne

God's Plan Doesn't Involve Zombies

When I was little I was afraid of the dark. Sometimes, I was so scared that I didn't know whether to keep my eyes open (to be vigilant!) or to squeeze my eyes closed (to not see anything scary). I alternated opening and closing my eyes for moments at a time until I fell asleep. The truth is, I wasn't really afraid of the dark. I was afraid of not knowing what was out there in all that pitch-black-ness. I'm still not very fond of the dark. So, here I am, past midnight, walking from my car to my back door with my imagination going irrationally wild. My irrationality ques the zombie thoughts. I can't see what's in that corner or behind that bush. Remember those awful zombie dogs from "I Am Legend"? I do right as the dogs next door start going ballistic. It's a downward spiral from there. It's all I can do to get into my bedroom, shut the door, and turn every light on. I know that the truth is that there are no zombies. (Because, really, that's ju...

The big two-six

Happy Birthday big brother! :) ♥, TiffanyAnne p.s. He's a way better photographer than I am. Check out his Flickr .

I'm starving!!!

Lauren complained while she was watching TV and I was slaving away in the kitchen over Spiderman mac & cheese and chicken nuggets. "Starving?" I say. "You're not starving!" (Oh, yeah, you guys see it coming already, don't you?) "Yes, Miss Tiffany! I'm STARRRRRRVING!" "Lauren, did you have breakfast this morning?" "Yes." "Did you know that some kids in this world don't have as much food as you do?" "Yes." "Some kids don't get enough to eat. They are starving. You're not." And then I promptly felt very old. I'm officially...what? The "starving kids in Africa" speech is known by moms nationwide. I'm certainly not officially a mom. But maybe, just maybe, I'm officially just as annoying as Mom.

20 mile

This picture was taken while stuck in icy traffic on Hall Road in Michigan. ♥, TiffanyAnne

Words I that annoy me: Lurve

I don't like the word "lurve." Apparently, it's from the movie Annie Hall --which I have yet to see. "Love is too weak a word for what I feel - I lurve you, you know, I loave you, I luff you, two F's, yes I have to invent, of course I - I do, don't you think I do?" Lurve is a horrible garbled form of the word "love" that supposedly can pack in more love than "love." I think, maybe, we just overuse the word "love." This is a fault of the English language, of course. We don't have several "love" words to talk about the different ways which we love. I love The Office . I love chocolate. I love Alex. I love Mike. I love Lauren (both of 'em). I love God. I love my Dad. I love dancing. I love blogging. I love my car. I love Jacob Johnson's music. I don't love The Office in the same way that I love Mike--but I do love watching The Office with Mike. Come to think of it, I don't think I really actua...


This is another photo from the hike with my friend Brian. I was taking a break, looked up and took this. ♥, TiffanyAnne

Clean Room

Eight months ago, when I moved into my current residence, my bedroom took a serious downsize. My old bedroom was about 2 to 2.5 times the size of my current one. I had a desk, a coffee table, two sets of shelves, a club chair, and a queen size bed. I also had plenty of room to spare. I had a closet the size of Rhode Island. True story. I moved in with three other girls and I couldn't very well have all of my personal decor all over a house that wasn't solely mine. I was now fixed with the problem of cramming all my bedroom furniture and all my personality in to a tiny 9X10 room. And so I did. And it was cramped. And I eventually stopped complaining and got used to it. Yesterday, however, I decided that I was going to de-clutter and rearrange my bedroom. Today, after shopping around at Target and K-Mart (more on K-mart later!) I came home with the tools I needed to organize my bedroom. And so I did. I got rid of my: desk, desk chair, club chair, faux-black iron shelf, and severa...


I took this in my roommate's room. Cute, eh? It's part of her desk area. And I liked the photo so much that I made it my desktop. ♥, TiffanyAnne

RIP Pomegranate

Male betta fish cannot live together. They are aggressive fish and will kill each other. Many people wrongly assume this is the same for females. Wikipedia (the source of all knowledge) says that female bettas can cohabit. Four or more females will establish a hierarchy allowing for peaceful co-existence. If, however, there are only two ladies in the tank, the alpha fish (ha-ha...) will bully the other. This was the case for Pomegranate and Vanilla, despite Lauren and I wanting them to be friends. Vanilla was a bully and Pomegranate got so depressed that she died. True story. Today, I got Blueberry. She and Vanilla will live in separate homes so that Blueberry does not go off on Vanilla in vengeance of her predecessor. ♥, TiffanyAnne

Falls Creek Falls

This is the less impressive twin of the Falls. I went hiking with a few friends yesterday. I asked my friend Brian before I agreed to go if it was an easy or hard hike. The text came back. "Easy" it said. However, when we got to the trail head, the sign read "Strenuous." Uh-huh. "Easy" according to Brian apparently means straight uphill most of the way. Though, it was totally worth it at the end. The waterfalls were beautiful. ♥, TiffanyAnne

Scented Charm

It's made of ceramic and the back absorbs some yummy smelling oil that came with the charm. I got this and a matching candle for Christmas and they have been making my room smell delicious ever since. ♥, TiffanyAnne

Happy New Year!

♥, TiffanyAnne