Actually, these fellas are not so gruff at all. They are nubian goats. They are very friendly and hang out peacefully with the chickens and do not bite when you pet them. When you bleat at them, they perk up and bleat back. Until, that is, they realize that you are not saying "Hello, how are you today, goat?" and, in fact, mocking them. Then they ignore you and go back to eating the chickens' food. My parents, who were given the goats this past weekend, now live on a proverbial farm. Ponies any day now, I tell you! My mother and I tied some rope to their collars and tied them up in the back yard so they could mow the lawn. The guy in black got really annoyed with me trying to tell him where to go (even though I was super friendly and all "here, goat!" in a high pitched voice) , so he sat down. I managed to tie his rope to a post and he stood there for five solid minutes leaning away from that would do some good. The other goat happily followed my moth...