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Films & Sushi

Last night, I went over to Brent's and it ended up being a usual evening at his place and I stayed until 5am. Ha-ha. I can't be a night owl like that too often!

A few of us hung out, made sushi, and watch L'Auberge Espanol. I've never made sushi before but it was pretty fun--and I did a pretty good job. I banked that on my Asian blood...despite the fact that I'm Filipino and sushi isn't exactly a Filipino dish! It wasn't until maybe midnight that we turned on the movie. Though, we did sit down in front of the TV around, maybe, 11, and took quite some time picking something out.

After L'Auberge Espanol (The Spanish Apartment), most left. I was about to leave, until Brent said he was going to probably watch another movie. Something we had joked about made him think of Garden State. So, despite the late hour, I stayed to watch that. He lied, and didn't watch it. When the movie was over, I looked over and he was asleep. Ha-ha.

I love that movie. It always makes me cry. Maybe more so this time then the last.

Here is some Mike Rowe on QVC to make you laugh. :-)



  1. Well, that movie certianly sounds all kinds of booring....

  2. WOOT! 12hrs to Harry Potter and the Order of The Pheonix. I think it might be my favorite book in the series so far! I can barely wait. I think your counter is broke over there, it says 2 days left on my display.

  3. Wait, I see your counter is fixed now. Maybe it's just my computer?

  4. it's fixed. actually, its a different counter. look closer and you can tell that part of the words are cut off.

  5. The counter is correct on the mugglenet site, how did your first one break? That was odd.

  6. Check out the individual OOTP counter on is also inaccurate.

  7. really, wow, what a bunch of loosers. that's their full time job. Anyhoo, I've got to go home and get some sleep before the movie starts.


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