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answering night time prayers, for more than just one

I met an angel last night.

She said that everyone called her "Miss Mary" and she needed kerosene. I was initially wary of the woman on the side of the road asking for help and even still wary after she got into the car. She mentioned "Shepherd's Gate" though, and so we would be happy to help her out. We ended up not taking her there (to see if she could get kerosene and food vouchers) and took her to the gas station ourselves after a detour to a side of town that, though I live very near, I had only passed, had never gone though. She told us to lock the doors and that she would be right back with the kerosene container.

She talked to us the entire time and told us about her life. I'm pretty sure I was blessed just being able to meet her. She prayed with us before we parted ways. Sometimes, I forget how blessed I am and how awesomely God provides for His children. Sometimes, I forget that if we just give it all up to Jesus that He will watch over us and protect us. Miss Mary is a woman of strong faith and faithfulness in her Father despite hard times.

"Heaven opened up tonight," she said as we pulled away from the gas station, "and God dropped two angels in my path."

But I'm pretty sure that she was the angel meant for me.



  1. by kerosene do you mean gasoline? not the same punko! you lose!

  2. uh, no. I meant K-1 kerosene.

    YOU LOSE, punko!

  3. dang... what did she need kerosene for? her house?

  4. yeah. she had no heat


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