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Yes, I has seriously been ages since I've posted. And no, that's not an exaggeration at all. It's been over a week and it FEELS like ages. So, let me fill you in on what I've been preoccupied with...
  • re-potty training Bella
  • photography
  • my photoblog (I've been cheating pretty heavily on you...I'm sorry!)
  • people
I'll start with the last one, shall I? Yes, people. I've been social lately.

Lunch dates with family. Twilight party. Art show. Family dinners. 4th of July. And going to see Twilight. Instead of telling you all the boring details...I'll show you in pictures.

Leo & Stargirl lunching at Handi, an Indian restaurant (with me, Mom, and Mike).

Mom and Stargirl at my place. After which Stargirl and I rocked it out on Guitar Hero 5.

Twilight party at Amanda's! We drank wine from the Twilight Ball and meant to watch the first two movies.

But we ended up playing Twilight Scene It! instead.

At Jessica Libor's art show chatting it up with the artist. You can see Mike in the background. (Her photo, not mine.)

Dinner at my parents. Dad is silly--as always.

Kristy and Mike at my parents'.

Dinner was enchiladas! Yum!

Fourth of July at my place. The guy all the way on the right is one of our neighbors that we had over, Don. We planned on watching fireworks, but we couldn't see any from our house and didn't really feel like battling the crowds downtown.

Playing with Bella!

Took this while at my parents' place on Monday. It looks kind of like fireworks, eh? (It links to a bigger version)

Mike and I watching Eclipse last night on a double date with Amanda & Bryan. It wasn't that great of a movie. I mean, it was okay. But watching it with Mike was hilarious. I laughed through may of the serious parts in the movie. Amanda said he sounded like he was on MST3K. That makes me want to watch it again, strictly MST3K style. It's a good movie for it.

The Deathly Hallows trailer, however, gave me chills. I cannot wait until November!


  1. Hands down, my favorite pic is your dad being silly. I have a silly dad, too, and I love him that way!


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