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Short update

I realize that I've been lazy about blogging lately. I'm trying to figure out how to juggle college, work, and being married. Actually, right now I'm blogging from one of my classes. We have a lot of rabbit trails in class and now I'm not entirely sure what the class is about.

Big news in my world? I'm a homeowner! Mike and I bought a house this week. It's an old house that is in need of some serious love and it's going to take us several months to fix it up. We went to the house right after the closing and I took a few pictures that you can view here.


  1. I SO love houses, and I'm glad you posted pics of your new house. Your strategy of taking pictures while Mike did all the work seemed to work pretty well. ;-) Looks like a lot got done fairly quickly. Can't wait to see the results!!!



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