Scanning across the globe is a tight-knit community lying just below the surface of everyday society. Many individuals in this group are quick to call themselves "addicted" or "obsessed" and may spend every spare moment and every spare dime on their hobby. What brings these people together? An 80-year-old form of dancing that is commonly known as swing. Anne Marie Martin, a novice swing dancer who has been at it for less than a month, has already made new friends. She went to the swing dance at Greenville's Handlebar, where she joined a dozen others to learn the basic steps of swing. Martin, like many, joined the dance scene "because I knew people who have a lot of fun doing it and I thought it would be a great way to meet new people." Paul Hoke of is the instructor and DJ at the Handlebar swing dances. In fact, if there is something swing going on in the upstate, chances are he is behind it. A little over 10 years ago, Hoke decided to...