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Summer days drifting away...

I hear the thunder outside and my living room is getting darker and darker.

I did get a few things accomplished today. I did the dishes. I went to lunch with Heather. I listened to a message. I turned in my article. There are still a few things I need to do. But instead here I am procrastinating.

Oh well. :-)

Some of my friends have been beyond super this past week and I am so grateful. I think it is rather significant when friends who truly care offer words of comfort, offer their time, or even do something like giving me a FB "hug"--yes, that made me feel better. It just shows that they care enough to let you know they care. Jeff has been sending me funny pix messages every few days--or even two a day!--that never fail to make me smile. This one (Mary is making an ass of herself) is my favorite:

Yesterday, I met up with Sarah for "coffee." Funny how we say that and then she gets tea and I get a strawberry smoothie. Ha-ha. After that, I went to Ali's for a dinner of had spaghetti, salad, and cheese sticks. I'm totally going to go buy some! We talked about everything: guys, friends, Boy Scouts, Bob Jones, and decorating with thrift store finds. :-)

Today's lunch with Heather, once again, was fab. I think picnics in the park are the most wonderfully fun thing. They're cheap too! I provide the food, she provides the drinks and fruit...and we go picnicing. Much cheaper than eating at a restaurant.

Downtown Greenville is so wonderful. Falls Park is just such great fun. We walked almost all the way down to the Church St. bridge and it felt as if we were no longer in Greenville.

The thunder is now accompanied by the soft sound of rain falling. Guess I'm not going up to COI tonight.

♥, Tiffany Anne

p.s. check out tomorrow for the latest issue


  1. Thunderstorms are neat-o. Your sis is looking mighty hilarious in that pic. What's a FB hug?

  2. Also, as long as your sure the other guy is out of the picture, I want to be the first to say I would totally mary your fine self this very day (if you lived up here)

  3. Are these from the same person? Or two different anonymous persons?

    1) "FB" for FaceBook. You can send "gifts. And someone sent me a "hug"

    2) You mean "marry" me? With two m's. And while I appreciate the sentiment...I have no idea who you are!

  4. There is only one anon of course. I broke the mold when I took the name. Also, I just hate signing in.

    Two r's not two m's. FB is face book? I thought it meant Frends with Benefits or Full Body.

  5. Ha-ha...I really did type "two m's" didn't I? Oops. FB does mean "friends with benefits" but I was too lazy to type out "Facebook"--because, obviously, I don't like to type...ever--so I just said FB.

  6. Ok, I'll remember fb is face book in the Tiffsters blog world. A full body hug does sound kind of fun though. I think I just invented that term; If so, I'm taking credit for it now.


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