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sickeningly shabby-chic sweet

I have been living in my apartment for almost two months now and...
  • I still have boxes in my bedroom.
  • I still don't have curtains.
  • I still don't own a vaccum cleaner.
  • My baking sheets and pans are still M.I.A.
  • My bedroom is still missing that je ne sais quoi.

See, it's so big. And I'm finally realizing that I really need to do something about it. So here is the plan: turn it into two working spaces. Part-bedroom, part-lounge. I want to get some really cool parlour chairs or a chaise lounge or something to make the area near the faux-fireplace into more of a sitting area. It sounds like a fab idea.

I also need to post a photo-blog of my new place. It's so cute.

This is the view out side my kitchen window. I got that birdfeeder for Christmas (which seems FOREVER ago, doesn't it?) and I've already had to refill it. But I never ever see any birds! Okay, that's a lie. I've seen two birds. I guess they come between the hours of 7:30am and 6:30pm...'cause that's when I'm not home.



  1. where is your vaccum cleaner? i have no idea!!

    and i've never seen squirrels, but i saw a buttload (like...five) birds today.

  2. oh my freaking gosh! you took it! Or so i thought... maybe mom and dad did... but i told you to... ????


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