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afternoon in the craft room.

Remember times before "overgramming" was a thing? When I first started blogging, it didn't matter how many times a day I posted. It didn't have to be at a certain time for optimum exposure. I didn't worry about reach. Hashtags weren't even a thing.

I thought of these things this afternoon. I was going to post again and my initial thought was that I have to wait until tomorrow. After all, I've already posted today!

But this is a personal blog, right? And the '00 rules of personal blogs are that it doesn't matter when you post or if you post too much.


After that blah of a post from earlier today, I did indeed drink a caffeinated beverage (any other Mio fans?) and get off my behind.

The kids hung out with me in the craft room. They played with kinetic sand while I sewed. We had a candle lit, filling the room with a lovely warm scent, and listened to the dreamy, melancholy sounds of folklore.

I decided to start work on the doll carriers that I'm making for the kids. I started on Jojo's and, by the time dinner was ready, I had wasted most of my time with straps that I've decided I'm not even going to use. But. I wasn't sitting feeling bummy, so there's that.

Today is actually our 11th anniversary. It feels weird to tack this on to a blogpost like that, but it's been a weird anniversary for us. We're having a couple of nights away next week, so we didn't ask my parents to babysit tonight. So it was mostly like a normal day, but with an exceptionally good dinner.

Mike grilled steak, baby potatoes, and veggies. It was an amazing dinner. So good.

The kids, of course, were like, "ew." because they have incredibly unrefined palates. I remember, back when my son was an infant, thinking that my kids would eat anything. Well, so much for that. They are getting better. My daughter might still choose to go to bed hungry than eat a bite of grilled yellow pepper, but my son cleared his plate. He whined when he saw what was for dinner, but he came around and polished it off. 


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