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I'm the kind of woman who gets sh*t done.

I'm sitting here as my children are supposed to be napping, but instead are playing. But they're behind a closed door and they're happy, so I'm letting it be.

I'm also sitting here as I should be doing housework. I have a pile of unfolded laundry right in front of me and there are crumbs on the hardwood floor that were painful to trod upon in the dark as I attended to a crying Ruthie last night.

I've been thinking lately about the lies I have come to believe lately. The negative things that I tell myself about who I am.  I'm just an unmotivated individual. I used to like to write, but I can't string words together like I used to. I wish I was neat, but I'm a messy person.
That's just a few.

But there's more.

I'm not important. I don't know. I can't figure that out on my own. I don't have a lot to say. I don't have an opinion.


Right now I'm thinking about the one where I tell to myself how lazy I am.

But then I remember listening to this podcast episode in which Allie Cassaza talks about how she would speak affirmations aloud. In "Girl, Wash Your Face," Rachel Hollis also talks about writing down goals as if they have already happened.

So, I did that this morning. It was a much, much smaller scale. I didn't say anything about running a successful business.

But I did say things like, 
"I am productive. I love doing housework. Cleaning gives me energy and makes me feel good. Housework is one of my favorite things to do. I'm the kind of woman who gets sh*t done." 
I said it with vigor. And I really did energize myself in saying those things aloud. (Also, I had a Mountain Dew KickStart which helped energize me, haha.)

I came home and I did housework. I didn't just sit on the couch and collapse. I got sh*t done. I don't think that speaking these things aloud to myself is a magic tool to actually become that person. 

But I'm willing to be that they are a lot more helpful that saying, "I'm so lazy. My house is such a wreck and its stressing me out but I'd rather just sit on the couch and veg." And this is not bashing vegging. Because after I did my chores, I sat on the couch and ate half a loaf of chocolate-chip pumpkin bread while reading Harry Potter. 

And now, I'm going to tell myself how much I love folding laundry and how it brings me peace and comfort. And hopefully, I'll tackle that mountain as well.


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