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Happy 29th birthday to me (and Mary)!

I had been eagerly anticipating turning 28 for a long time. I always knew that it would be a good year. After all, how can a year that starts on 12/12/12 be anything but great? I wasn't wrong. It started of fabulously and was the first time I celebrated a whole birthday week. My relationship with my husband has never been better. We got pregnant this year. Blessings have been abundant and I am so grateful. :)
My 29th birthday celebration was much more low key than my 28th. But it was perfect. Last year, I really wanted a party. This year, all I wanted was a date night with my husband. And so we did. :) We went to Rick Erwin's for dinner and Coffee Underground for dessert. We split the chocolate ganache cake at Coffee Underground making this the third year in a row that I had chocolate ganache for my birthday. I guess its officially a tradition! :)


  1. Happy belated birthday! I just saw this on my bloglovin' feed for some reason and I'm sorry I missed it!

  2. Happy Birthday!

  3. Oh man, I had three birthday lunches at work, two sushi dinners, and chocolate. This year was way better than last year.

  4. Yes, I know yours was. And I'm so glad it was better :)

  5. Well, I actually posted this belatedly. So, bloglovin' didn't mess up. I just realized it was still a draft, haha. :)


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