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36 weeks!

{insert obligatory "i can't believe we've come this far" sentiment here}
  • I had a prenatal visit on Thursday. Everything looks great! The doctor I met with is definitely my favorite at the practice. I really really hope he's the one on call when Charlemagne makes his appearance. 
  • Oh, and, like a good baby, Charlemagne is head down. He was facing my spine at the appointment. I hope he stays that way! I'm doing lots of pelvic rocks to make sure he does. :)
  • Our doula, Roxanne, came over on Tuesday just to chat and get to know us better. We really like her and I'm glad she's going to be there for us at the birth.
  • My most exciting happenings this week were my two baby showers! I had my church shower and then my mom threw me a shower. I'll be posting about those later, but I just have to say that feel so loved! Lots of people are excited to meet Charlemagne (and to find out his real name)!
  • The baby's room is officially a big ol' MESS! It was so neat and tidy and then...showers happened. So, now my mission is going to be sorting, washing, folding, organizing. Still trying to figure out where everything is going to go! You need to get creative in a small house.
  • Mike let me splurge on a really really fancy diaper bag. :) He said that he still wants me to be able to have a nice bag when I'm laden down with baby stuff. 
  • I've been drinking red raspberry leaf tea each day for a couple weeks now. I think I'll be upping that to two cups a day and add a cup/day each week. RRL strengthens your uterus so that, when the time comes, your contractions are more effective. 
  • As of today, I've started taking evening primrose oil. Just orally for now. It's supposed to ripen your cervix and some women swear that it stopped them from tearing. Don't know if it will work for me or not. I asked my doctor about it on Thursday and he said it couldn't hurt. 
  • Next Thursday is my group B strep test! Pray that it comes back negative. I really really really do not want to have to take antibiotics while I'm in labor. I have been taking probiotic and garlic capsules. I've also been drinking kefir daily. I'm hoping that helps. I don't want to do anything drastic to trick the system in case I do have group B strep, of course. And I do plan on taking the probiotics and garlic at least until I deliver.
  • Have I mentioned yet that Charlemagne has hiccups? Like all the time. At least twice a day the poor guy gets them!
  • Wednesday is my last day of work. When I first decided that I would stop working after 37 weeks, it seems ages away. I cannot believe that we're almost here. I will not be at all surprised if I find myself crying the whole way home. I love that family so much!
  • Sleep has been amazing up until now. I have to get up in the middle of the night, every night, to pee. I shouldn't complain, though, because I know there are plenty of women who have had to deal with this throughout their pregnancy. They annoying thing is, I usually cannot fall back to sleep after my bathroom break. I also often find that I'm hungry. So, I'll go make myself a snack, prattle around on my computer, and then head back to bed when I'm feeling sleepy, which is usually two or so hours later.
  • I'm mostly still feeling great. Though, I do get worn out easier, even just doing chores! My back hurts a lot. And sometimes, when I'm sitting on the couch, there just isn't an option for getting comfortable.
  • However.... I'm not sick, I don't have swollen feet or ankles, and my husband is a big ol' sweetheart. He helps me up without making any jokes, gave me a foot massage last night without me even asking, and tells me I'm beautiful all the time. I consider myself very blessed.
Trying to get Bella to feel the baby move. She was pretty apathetic about it and mostly just wanted her paw back.

The adorable diaper cake that my friend Amanda made for one of my showers. I took it home and put it on the baby's dresser--its to pretty to take apart!


  1. So close now!!! Mason had hiccups in my belly often and now at 5 weeks old, he still gets them daily and often multiple times a day. So cute.

  2. I can't wait to hear about the showers! Also, that bag is amazing. I just assumed (ridiculously) that diaper bags meant crazy animal prints and other much less elegant things - this one is so cute!

  3. Do the hiccups bother Mason? I can't help but wonder if hiccups will be irritating to my little guy when he's out.

  4. Isn't it thought? Definitely a splurge, but I figure I won't be buying a new purse for ages!

  5. No! The don't bother him one bit even though they shake his whole little body! If he starts hiccuping when he's crying, he stops crying so that's a plus! ;-)


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