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So Much Pretty: Shopping In Gray skinnies

Love that first photo of Stargirl. Isn't she adorable? Yes. Sometimes. Becauseshelookslikeme. Ahem.

Mary and I went shopping a little while ago. I got one dress because I had already recently been shopping and I didn't need to spend any money. Mary got a bunch of work clothes. So, while I was trying to clothes for the beach, she was trying on power suits.

I had the BEST time hanging out with my sister. It is always so much fun. We say the meanest but funniest things to each other sometimes and it always makes me laugh. 

In case you are wondering, it is no accident that she is only wearing one dangly earring. The other side had an earring ripped out once (AUGH!) and so it can't handle heavy earrings. She wears it well, though.


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