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31 Day Blog Challenge {Day 3}

What Makes You Happy?

There are lot of things that make me happy! Being with my husband. Watching my dog nod off. Watching the chickies run. Lunch dates with my mom. Shopping with my sister. Twinfest. When my daddy calls because he misses me. Being able to walk across the street and hang out with my brother. Playing with the Alex, Lauren & Davis. A new eyeshadow palette. A good night's sleep. Girls' nights. A successful wedding. Taking couples' portraits. Worship time at church. Leaving the gym. Having a productive day.


  1. Those are all some pretty awesome things! I love a good girls night out.

  2. I've watched my dog nod off. You can't help but to smile at a sight like that.

  3. No way! Leo lives across the street from you now? How cool is that? Also, I noticed you said LEAVING the gym, not going to the gym. I totally agree!


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