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2012 Year in Review

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2012: In The Beginning
Where did you bring in the New Year? At home
Who were you with? Mike, Bella, Mary, Mom and Dad. Also, Leo and Adrienne stopped by.
Did you make any resolutions? "To start being truly thankful. To exercise more. To touch my toes." Guess what? I still can't touch my toes. I know you all are incredibly shocked. I did exercise more--some. And I never got far in my thankful journal...

2012: Your Love Life
Did you break up with anyone? Nope!
Did you get anything for Valentine's day? To be honest, I don't remember much about VD except that we went to the Trappe Door for lunch and I learned that I had won a seat in the SposaBella BE BETTER workshop series.
Did you meet anyone special? Not romantically. This is dumb. This answer will never change.
Did you fall in love? With two special chickens: Peggy & Joan.

2012: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year? I make new friends every year! :)
Did any of your friendships end? Not in any huge way. I'm sure some people have grown distant, but there wasn't a falling out.
Did you dislike anyone? People who nag me about when I'm going to have children. Hey, how about I make you feel very uncomfortable in public?
Did you make any new enemies? No
Did you resolve any fights? Um, I'm married. So, yes. 
Who was(were) your closest friend(s)? My husband, sister, dog and Anne Marie. :) Actually pretty much all my family. I love my family so much!
Who did you grow apart from? Can't really think of anyone in particular.
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships? Nope

2012: Your BIRTHDAY!!
Did you have a cake? YES! I had another fabulous chocolate ganache cake!
Did you have a party? Yep! Mike invited my family and my dear friend Steven over to surprise me! :)
Did you get any presents? The cutest felted birdhouse from my brother & family, shoes from the G family, a cute backpack from my sister, a necklace from my Mom, and a Mrs. necklace from Mike. Oh and bowling, greasy food, beer , and darts from my Daddy! That was a fun time. :) :)
If so, what was the best thing you got? It was a birthday/christmas present, but my Kate Spade Mrs. necklace from Mike was my absolute favorite gift. 

2012: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year? Of course I changed this year! Physically, emotionally, spiritually. Want the details? Well, this is my blog...
Did you dye your hair? I think it was this year that I dyed it brown? It might have been last year. I've been letting it grow out ever since.
Did you get your hair cut? I've been working with my stylist to get the damage out. And I got bangs a few weeks ago.
Did you change your style? It's always changing! Sometimes, it super casual/girl-next-door, other times I'm wearing hot pink tights!
Were you in school? Nope.
Did you have a job? Nanny-downgraded-to-babysitter (kids are getting older!), photographer, call center slave wage.
Did you drive? A lot. Yes.
Did you own a car? Still got Trudy, my lovely Passat!
Did anyone close to you give birth? Amanda gave birth the the beautiful Micah on my birthday!
Did you move at all? Nope! We love our house and never want to leave!
Did you go on any vacations? Twinfest was at Amelia Island this year (LOVE). Mike & I had a couple of weekend getaways: Charleston & Asheville. The family went to Asheville for a long weekend. And Mike & I went to Michigan in August and for Christmas.
Did you leave the country at all? Not this year!
Would you change anything about yourself now? Wow, just like last year, I'm thinking I could use a manicure. LOL

2012: Wrap Up.
Is 2012 a good year? It was a great year!
Did 2012 bring any new insights? With everything that has happened this year, I feel like I've really grown as a person and learned a lot about myself. Both good and bad.
Do you think 2013 will top 2012? I hope so. I've been looking forward to 28 (for no specific reason) for quite some time now.

How old will you turn in 2013? 29
Do you think you'll be married by then? I certainly hope so.
What do you look forward to most in the next 2 months? Just life as we know's pretty good. :)(Except for the dog farts. Ugh. Bella farts in her sleep all the time! Like right now! Ewww.)
Will you be looking for a new job? No, but I will playing secretary for my husband's companies.
Will you be looking for a new relationship? In the sense that I hope to have a baby this year, yes.
New house? No way!
New Years resolution? Start (and actually keep up with) a new thankful journal. Daily devotional time. Read lots of novels (hopefully Les Mis). Go to the gym at least twice a week (a modest amount, I know). Touch my toes.
Any trips planned? ImagingUSA in Atlanta. Florida to visit my Grandpa. And, of course, TWINFEST.
Wedding plans? Only the ones I'm photographing!
What's on your calendar? A wedding, a portrait session, and lots of time at the gym!
What can't you wait for? I can wait for it--whatever it is.
What would you like to see happen different? I'd like to be less lazy. Oh, and keep up with my skincare routine. Prevention is easier than treatment!
What about yourself will you be changing? Doesn't this mean the same thing as resolutions and the previous question?
What happened in '12 that you didn't think would ever happen? I had two miscarriages.
What will you do differently in 2013? Probably cuddle with my dog even more than in 2012.


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