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So Much Pretty: Hello Kitty halloween costume

Most original costume idea ever. Asian (well, half-asian) girl dresses as Hello Kitty for Halloween. ^_^

Hello Bella is less than thrilled.

Oh, and just for the record, the above photo is my face AFTER some serious dancing! What? My first time using Revlon ColorStay and I think I'm in love. Other face makeup: ELF Mineral Infused Primer, ELF HD powder, ELF Mist & Set. What can I say? I really wanted my makeup to stay put!

This is my face before dancing. Looks about the same except my whiskers aren't smudged.

My face wasn't that white. It's just the flash reflecting off the makeup.

My costume consisted of:
Hello Kitty headband from Hot Topic ($9.50 but I got it half off)
Taylor Swift for L.E.I. dress. (A gift from Mary who found it at Goodwill.)
White longsleeve GAP favorite tee (These really are my favorite tees. I have six in different styles.)
White patterned tights
Ked lookalikes from Target. (These are my dancing shoes.)


  1. Cute. Liberty wants to be a fox tomorrow, and I have no idea how I'm going to pull that off.

  2. So I went a-searchin' and found this:

    Seems like a fox costume is basically an orange or brown cat?


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