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2011 Year in Review

Happy New Year's Eve! Time for the annual survey! ^_^ (Go here to see past surveys.)

2011: In The Beginning
Where did you bring in the New Year? In Michigan at Mike's parents' home.
Who were you with? Mike, Kristy & I watched How To Train Your Dragon with their mom & step-dad. :)
Did you make any resolutions? According to last year's survey, it was to "Be adventurous and touch my toes." However, I also recall resolving to exercise more, drink more water, eat healthier, dress more creatively, and push my photography skills to the next level. And touch my toes. I really thought I'd get that one...

2011: Your Love Life
Did you break up with anyone? Nope!
Did you get anything for Valentine's day? Heck yes! I got season tickets to the Peace Center's broadway series!
Did you meet anyone special? Not romantically. This is dumb. This answer will never change.
Did you fall in love? With a camera...

2011: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year? I've met more and more amazing photographers that I'm blessed to call my friends.
Did any of your friendships end? Not that I can remember.
Did you dislike anyone? People that drive slow in the left lane.
Did you make any new enemies? No
Did you resolve any fights? Of course!
Who was(were) your closest friend(s)? My husband, my family & Anne Marie.
Who did you grow apart from? Can't really think of anyone in particular.
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships? Nope

2011: Your BIRTHDAY!!
Did you have a cake? No, but I had a birthday Cabo!
Did you have a party? No, but I had a vacation :)
Did you get any presents? I got some cute tops from the G's, the camera necklace I wanted from Mary, reindeer antlers for my car from my parents and some money from Mike's mom. Which, by the way, I used to buy a new film camera.
If so, what was the best thing you got? Even though our vacation to Los Cabos wasn't my birthday present (it fell on those dates by coincidence), I'd still list it as my best present.

2011: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year? You know, the more and more I read over old things, I realize that a lot of things about me don't change. And you know what? That's okay. :)
Did you dye your hair? Yes. Purple and blue and then black.
Did you get your hair cut? Yep, but I'm trying to grow it back loooong again.
Did you change your style? I didn't so much change it as try to find it. I've had fun with SMP this year!
Were you in school? Not unless you count the carpool lane.
Did you have a job? Part-time nanny (moving to one day a week in the new year) and photographer :)
Did you drive? About 30 minutes to work every other day.
Did you own a car? I got a NEW car this year! A 2004 VW Passat
Did anyone close to you give birth? Not anyone so close that I visited them in the hospital.
Did you move at all? Nope. Don't intend on moving, either.
Did you go on any vacations? Myrtle Beach in May with my sister, a weekend in Charleston with my family, Atlanta with Mike for our Anniversary, Michigan with Mike for his cousin's wedding, Tennessee in September with my family, and Mexico in December with Mike!
Did you leave the country at all? Went to Mexico for a few days!
Would you change anything about yourself now? I could really do with a manicure...

2011: Wrap Up.
Is 2011 a good year? I think so.
Did 2011 bring any new insights? Doesn't every year? I certainly learned a lot about business this year! And turns out I actually really like working on least when it comes to photography.
Do you think 2012 will top 2011? Obviously. My birthday will fall on 12/12/12!

How old will you turn in 2012? 28! Woot! I've been excited about 28 for ages. No idea why...
Do you think you'll be married by then? I certainly hope so. 
What do you look forward to most in the next 2 months? Running a successful business!
Will you be looking for a new job? I hope not 
Will you be looking for a new relationship? No
New house? Nope. I love this one too much.
New Years resolution? To start being truly thankful. To exercise more. To touch my toes.
Any trips planned? Chicago for Twinfest!
Wedding plans? My brother is getting married!
What's on your calendar? Twinfest and my birthday
What can't you wait for? I can wait for it--whatever it is.
What would you like to see happen different? I'd love to add another Kuechenmeister to the mix.
What about yourself will you be changing? I'll only be working for the G family 1 day a week, so that's a big change. And pursuing photography much more!
What happened in '11 that you didn't think would ever happen? I never thought I'd be diagnosed as infertile. But, luckily, modern medicine can help us here. 
What will you do differently in 2012? Well, I plan on touching my toes this year. No, really!


  1. Er,er,er,er, (that's the sound of my brakes trying to grip the pavement) what? Since when is Leo getting married? And how did I miss that announcement? Did it happen before my looooooong hiatus? Because everything is very blurry from back then.

  2. I think it happened sometime during your hiatus. I don't exactly remember *when* they got engaged, but I never had like a whole big announcement thing. But, yep, in April he's getting married!


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