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I know I've been totally slack on blogging lately. It's not like I haven't been on the computer. I've definitely been on the computer. But I feel like I don't have much of anything interesting to say.

Life has been going really really great lately. I love my little family. Mike and I have been so close and connected lately. My little puppy is as cute as ever. Ladies Bible Study has started up again and this semester's study in James is proving to be a good one. My job, and my attitude about my job, has good. I've started a photography class. My photography is improving. I just got home from helping a girlfriend put together all her centerpieces for an upcoming fall-themed wedding (in which I'm a bridesmaid!)

Life is good. Life isn't perfect. I don't think it ever is. But I've got a lot to be grateful for right now. Actually, I've always got a lot to be grateful for! But right now, God's helping me to remember all my wonderful blessings.


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