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About our whirlwind trip to New York City

I think we went on Saturday afternoon. Mike worked most of the morning (being stuck in a hotel was a bit of a blessing because Mike was able to get a lot of work done) and after a late lunch, we headed into the city.

Neither of us had spent much time at all in the city. Mike visited years ago...but there was a city-wide power outage. I visited a few years ago, but was on my way home from Boston and only saw the city from the charter bus window.

We took the train from Ronkonkomo station and it took us about an hour and half and $43 to get to Penn Station. After walking up to street level, we looked around, spotted an H&M and poked in the store. I had never been to H&M before, but I will have to visit again to actually browse. It was more crowded than the mall on the day after Thanksgiving! We were on 7th Avenue and just started walking.

We walked around Times Square for a bit, but being pushed for time (had to get back to make the 8:15 train and catch the hotel shuttle before 10pm), decided to turn around and find some dinner. After a yummy dinner at a little Thai restaurant, we made our way back to Penn Station and boarded the train home. We rode back to Ronkonkomo with some of our fellow passengers who were stranded en route to India.

Exciting, I know. ;) It's our second day in Dhaka and I've had lots of fun already. I've been to a clothing store and too a grocery store. We traveled via rickshaw, which I LOVED. More stories and pictures to come.

We're headed out to Chittagong today!


  1. Hey, I gave you an award on my blog today, and in the process of linking to your blog, I discovered that I haven't gotten any of your blog updates for about two weeks. (Of course, the two weeks that you are super excitingly in Bangladesh!) Can you check your blog to see if the updating trouble is on your end? I haven't found any trouble on my end yet.

    I can't wait to go through your last two weeks of posts to find out what's going on!

  2. Why am I beside myself with happiness over this trip of yours? There must be something crazy wrong with me. I'm actually sitting here in my wooden dining room chair, grinning like I won the lottery and doing a tiny happy dance to myself.

    Yay for you guys!!! You're in Bangladesh and doing things!!!

    I must need to get out more.


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