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Year End Letters

This song is totally not true for me. I LOVE year-end letters! But I had to post this song because I think it is just so funny!

I was so exciting about doing our first Christmas letter but it turned into a bit of a debacle. Nothing that couldn't be fixed and, hey, you live and learn, right?

You can read our letter here (and see the picture that got sent out with our Christmas cards)!

p.s. Don't forget to enter my giveaway! It ends January 5th!


  1. I, too, planned to send Christmas cards and pictures out. I was so excited because this would be my first year ever to do this...but it never happened. I'm thinking of sending out new year's letters instead, but that dream is slowly drifting too. Maybe valentines day?

  2. My boss did New Year's letters a few year ago. I think you should do some obscure holiday. President's Day letters!


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