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Showing posts from November, 2008

My Sister's Keeper

My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult is an amazing and intense novel centered around two sisters, one of whom has a rare form of lukemia, the other who was concieved to save her. I could go into the synopisis and all, but you can read all that here . I've been reading the book nonstop since I bought it. Although it was nearly midnight when I crashed into bed last night, tired from dancing, I really had to know how it all ended. And that was how I wound up reading until nearly two AM, unable to tear myself away. I was too wrapped into the story to be tired. And then the ending-- oh. my. gosh. --the ending tore me to pieces. I kept flipping back, sure that I had missed something and I had read it wrong. Surely, that was a dream that a character is about to wake up from. I don't think something fictional has ever broke my heart nearly as much. I was sobbing just as much as if I had been part of the Fitzgerald family. I won't give away all the details of the bittersweet ...

Stargirl tagged me again

Here are the rules: Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on his/ her website. I was tagged by Stargirl . 1.) When I read on a regular basis, I think in novel form. That's why I carry a notebook around with me so if I think something that sounds good enough, I can write it down and remember it. Lately, I've been reading a lot and it makes me want to write. My thoughts keep comming out in narrative and I love it. 2.) When reading the sections of "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult that were from Anna's POV, I could hear Abigail Breslin narrating. I looked up the book and found out that it's becoming a movie. Guess who's playing Anna Fitzgerald? Yeah. For real. 3.) I have a twin! That's right! Stargirl is my twin! Check out ...

Stargirl tagged tagged me.

THE RULES Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them comments letting them know that they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve answered the questions on your blog. 10 YEARS AGO: 1.) I was an unsure and awkward high school freshman 2.) I had a huge crush on George Clooney thanks to "ER" 3.) I also had a huge crush on Joey Holtzclaw from my physical science class 4.) I wore big "Harry Carry" glasses and had bushy hair 5.) I had recently given up on every being good at the clarinet 5 THINGS ON TODAY'S "TO DO" LIST: 1.) email that guy from the news 2.) email my advisor 3.) write a check for my car payment 4.) write a check for my utils 5.) work on my final article 5 THINGS I WOULD DO IF I WAS A MILLIONAIRE: 1.) Tithe 2.) Hire someone with money smarts (probably the e-trade baby )...

Wall and Piece

Mike introduced me to Banksy over a year ago by showing my photos from his art on the Israeli West Bank Barrier . And from the moment I laid my eyes on the book I knew I had to get it for Mike. Initially, I had thought to include it in his Christmas gift (with what, I don't know yet!). In the end, I was too excited and gave it to him when I got home. ♥, TiffanyAnne p.s. i didn't actually take that picture. my camera is broken, the part where i put the cable to upload pics. so i found this one on google images. and i won't be able to upload images until i'm near mike's card reader.

blogging from my phone.

I can blog from my phone. I just send text messages to an email address which I will not disclose, ha, and voila, it pops up. Did everyone know that this was possible but me? Now, I wonder if I can get rid of that VZW nonsense after the picture. The "sent using the Picture and Video Messaging" is one thing, but the two whole paragraphs is annoying. ♥, TiffanyAnne

my russian boyfriend

This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless! To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit . To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is required. Visit to download the free player or upgrade your existing QuickTime® Player. Note: During the download process when asked to choose an installation type (Minimum, Recommended or Custom), select Minimum for faster download.

Wait...babies don't come from Santa Claus?

T: You guys are so cute. I hope someday I have kids and cute as you. L: But you don't have any babies. T: Good point. What should I do about that? L: Well, you could ask for some for Christmas. T: Do they give out babies at Christmas? L: Oh.... No, only pretend babies. (translation: baby dolls) T: Yeah... L: Well, what about for your birthday? ♥, TiffanyAnne

I Voted

♥, TiffanyAnne

"My Dear Country" by Norah Jones

'Twas Halloween and the ghosts were out, And everywhere they'd go, they shout, And though I covered my eyes I knew, They'd go away. But fear's the only thing I saw, And three days later 'twas clear to all, That nothing is as scary as election day. But the day after is darker, And darker and darker it goes, Who knows, maybe the plans will change, Who knows, maybe he's not deranged. The news men know what they know, but they, Know even less than what they say, And I don't know who I can trust, For they come what may. 'cause we believed in our candidate, But even more it's the one we hate, I needed someone I could shake, On election day. But the day after is darker, And deeper and deeper we go, Who knows, maybe it's all a dream, Who knows if I'll wake up and scream. I love the things that you've given me, I cherish you my dear country, But sometimes I don't understand, The way we play. I love the things that you've given me, And most...

fall is here

I love the different colors all in this one shot. :) Taken at the SC Botanical Garden . ♥, TiffanyAnne

a warning

Maybe a lot of people have fallen down the stairs of the trolley to have them paint this message. Taken at the SC Botanical Garden in Clemson. ♥, TiffanyAnne