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I let too much bother me sometimes. I'm still replaying events from yesterday and from CHEX in my head. These events are aiding in my stress by continuing to upset me or humiliate me.

Why do I bother? Don't I have enough to think about for TODAY than to worry about what happened in the past? I cannot erase what was said. I cannot change people. I cannot erase that horrible dance move.

Oh so horrible. I cringe thinking about it. I don't care if it got me laughs. I shouldn't have been out there in the first place, I still think. I'm glad I did, though, because it put me miles outside of my comfort zone. Eep.

But this isn't really about the sprinkler.

This is mostly about conversations that I had yesterday. Good ones and bad ones. All together, they're making me realize more and more how I am in the right place. Decisions that I thought were wrong? I was wrong about that. They were right.

I flippin' love my life. I am so blessed. And, okay, I would like a car and a 2nd job. But those are relatively minor things right now. (Mostly because I can drive my mom's car for another couple of weeks.) I have wonderful new roommates. I am able to travel around the southeast to go to lindy exchanges. I have a blossoming group of wonderful friends who love the Lord. And that is probably a larger blessing than any of them realize.

It is NOT unbiblical to want to develop your own identity without a boyfriend around. Right now, what I want to pursue is the LORD--not my next boyfriend. I want to pursue deeper frienships with godly people. There isn't anything wrong with a gal wanting to establish her own friendships. Singlness is a gift, not a punishment, and right now I'm relishing it.

Each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another. -1 Cor 7:7 ESV


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