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Romantic comedies...

oh goodness...why do i do this to myself? ha-ha

♥, Tiffany Anne


  1. I'm sorry to bother you again, but I'm having loads of trouble with the template... do you know what's happening, in reference to all my widgets? Has this happened to you before?

  2. What, is cool hand Luke a romantic comedy?

  3. What was this post about, anyways?

  4. CHL is so not a romantic comedy! But it's a rather good movie and you should see it. No, I watched Music & Lyrics. And this post is about how single girls watch romantic comedies even though they know that when it ends they'll be all "you suck!" to the movie.

  5. Pft, you women are all like, "why can't that happen to me" when those dumb movies end. What a load of false advertising chick flicks are.


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