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Summer lovin'

It's summer time! It was officially summer on Friday, May 4th once I emailed Brian--my speech professor whose legal name is actually Brain because of a typo--my final speech (you can read it here). I realized that on my off days I wouldn't have any school or any studying to do. Holy cow! And I also realized that if I didn't schedule things to do, then I would stay in bed until noon because my bed is just oh-so-comfortable. (Thanks to Janelle!)

So, here is what I decided I would do on my days off work:

  • Wake up at 8AM and go to the gym.
  • Come home and shower.
  • Eat a leisurely breakfast that often includes eggs Benedict.
  • Sip tea or lemonade or something equally nice while I do my devotions.
  • Write more poetry.
  • Take more pictures.
  • Study a philosopher.
  • Find and read
  • Make big dinners.
  • Schedule lunch dates.
Well, okay. The gym thing isn't going very well. So, I went to the gym my first Tuesday. Then on Thursday, I had to be at court. The next Tuesday, I had to work. The next Thursday...well, I slept.

I just bought eggs, though, and I have English muffins. so I can make some eggs Benedict.

Inspired by Racki, I went online in search of bible quizzes. This turned to a search of bible studies. This turned to a search of devotion guides (because I couldn't afford to go out and buy even more books). I found some here and they're pretty cool. I'm doing Ecclesiastes right now.

I also need to finish a few books on my shelf. Blink, Blue Like Jazz, Bird by Bird.

Also, one thing I really want to work on is writing beyond blogs more. I have a lunch interview with a local musician on the 30th and I'm reviewing his show on the 31st. I've got ideas for interviews and articles that my editor has OK'd and I'm going to work on those. I want to write write write. Even if I'm not getting paid--I need the experience. I was writing/editing some copy for a website that Mike is working on, and I suddenly got all excited because I realized that the website can go in my portfolio of work! (Yes, I realize that you may thing that I am not the best person to edit based on my many grammatical errors which my boyfriend so graciously points out--really, I am grateful--but when it's for something else, I actually take my time!) Yay. So, if you know people who need things written, let me know!


  1. so yeh, that sentence that you mention your hot boyfriend pointing out your spelling errors, actually has a spelling error. nice.

  2. okay, so, it said grammatical errors, not spelling. and i corrected it. and i don't recall saying that he was hot in that sentence...

    you always spell "yeah" wrong. ;-)


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