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So, while Googling "ladytiffanyanne" I stumbled across someone's blog. I read over a few entries that mentioned me. Then came another entry that mentioned something we had done together (went to see Beauty & The Beast on Ice) that I would totally remember because Beauty & The Beast is my favorite Disney movie aside from, maybe Tarzan. But I emphasize that I would totally remember it because I totally do not. How funny is that? Like, I have ZERO recollection. And nothing is clicking. I don't usually have a poor memory. Ah, well. The show must've not been that good.

Also, and old friend commented on a previous blog entry. I had no idea that he even read my blog. How many other lurkers do I have out there? I mean, I have had about 20 hits today. That's a lot for lil ol' me. Just tell me this once. You'll never have to comment again. (Until, that is, I get curious...)



  1. I look at your blog 10x a day, mostly because I hate doing my job :) You and your sister are fun to read about though, your a couple of first rate twinkies.

  2. I wouldn't say I lurk though, I pretty much comment on everything. Even Arbys and their overpriced menu.

  3. Wait...are there two 'anonymous' commenters? 'D' and.....

  4. man, I can't always remember that d, it's too taxing on my brain.

  5. lurky lurky lurky

  6. I read your blog via Google Reader :)

  7. I do sometimes, especially at work when I should be...working!

  8. Ha-ha, Andrew! I saw on my stats tracker that someone from Japan was reading my blog, and I knew it was you. I don't know anyone else in Japan. :-D

  9. Guilty as charged. But somebody's gotta do it, right? Gives your blog that "international appeal" or something of that nature.

  10. I've been lurking for some time. Followed links and came upon yours one night and liked the writing. You don't know me. I'm just a guy in Hawaii who admires good writing.


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