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of the last five visitors to OverAnalyzed...

#1 uses Netscape Navigator on a Mac. Who uses Netscape anymore?
#2-#4 are from China. Who in China is reading my blog? Japan, I could understand...but China?
my stats...

I'm looking for more interesting blogs to read. I've got friends with blogs...but they rarely update (excluding Mary & Heather). You know, I check blogs daily as opposed to monthly.



  1. Give my blog a whirl. I have stories, politics and scary stuff. Unless those are not your cup of tea.

  2. Miscellaneous From MissyFebruary 5, 2007 at 10:31 AM

    I've been reading your blog daily...except for the weekends. That's a nifty little device you've got there. I tried to install it on my page, but I don't think I did it right.

    PS> I'm not in China...or Japan, and I don't use Navigator. :)

  3. So glad you linked the stats page - I just put it on mine :)

    I recommend Darth's page - I read it every day!

    I'm not one of your last 5, but I do read every day! I'm a mac, but not quite on netscape ...

  4. Okay, so now I'll KNOW if your not reading my blog :-) I put a ton a fiction up btw


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