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Mepkin Abbey, Moncks Corner, SC

(HOVER over photos for notes and CLICK for bigger image!)

I took this picture while LEO, MIKE, and I were zooming by on a golf cart.  LEO is still a crazy driver.

Our Lady of Mepkin

Cute purple flowers, thought it seems like the camera was unsure of where to focus!

Orange flowers right outside of the breeze-way.

I love the light and composition of this photo!  The gate leads into the gardens.

The cross is a cemetary...either the Laurens family or the Luce family.

This gate is directly behind the cross.  It seems to tell a story.

The lighting of this photo of a tree branch hanging over the path to the chapel is perfect!

Leaving Mepkin Abbey


  1. i really like the one of the curly iron gate. :-) My fave!

  2. hey, tiffany! i have an outstanding love for the other gate. it manages to be the focus of the photo without being the focus... lovely. ~<3andrew

  3. Whatever, you have great picts!


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