The other day, I came across this old post: What's Your Story?
As I was read it, I couldn't help but think, Man! I used to really be able to write. And now, here I am, struggling to string two words together.
I don't have to, however, go back to the 2004 archives to remind myself of how bad those posts are. I remember them well enough! If I was able to write about an evening so eloquently, it is the product of practice. Like I tell my six year old all the time, no one is good at something the first time they try. (Which is false, of course, some people are good beginners. But they are outliers.)
I really would like to be a better writer again. I have a hankering to pick blogging back up. Not for the sake of blogs today. I have no desire to be monetized. No, I just want to write like I used to. I feel like my blogging started to go to crap when I compared my blog to others. I wanted consistent features. I wanted to be a beauty or fashion blogger. I definitely wanted to be monetized.
I'm trying to remember rules of good writing as well as good internet content. For example, most of my paragraphs in this post thus far have started with "I" and that is something that needs work. Also, short paragraphs are good for the internet. Thorough descriptions paint word pictures. So, why don't I give that a go.
The occasional flicker of light is all that is left from a fading thunderstorm outside. It's dark in the house save for a couple of night lights (ya girl is afraid of the dark), the glow from my sleeping husband's wireless phone charger, and, of course, the glow of the computer illuminating my face. The silence of the night is broken by a distant thunder rumble too far separated from the lightning to count the Mississippis, my spouse's almost-snores, and the click-clack of toys in the room of a child that should definitely be asleep. It's 10:14 pm.
The click-clack of my keyboard is muffled by a silicone cover that was purchased upon first receiving this MacBook. I identify as messy and clumsy and was certain spills would happen. They didn't. Because eating and drinking generally doesn't happen near this laptop while its open.
Okay, I just put said awake child back to bed. He probably not going to sleep in, even though he needs it. But I haven't signed up for a gym class tomorrow and I have a hunch that all the child care spots will be spoken for. That is to say, we have no place to be in the morning. So hopefully he sleeps in.
I feel pleased with the above two paragraphs. They paint the word picture I was hoping for. Perhaps an exercise in describing my setting would be good practice to get back in the habit of writing.
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