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"I will tell everyone about your righteousness. All day long I will proclaim your saving power, though I am not skilled with words." Psalm 71:15 NLT

I used to love to write and blog. I've lost that and I miss it. I'm realizing it isn't a talent, so to speak, that I was born with, but more a skill that I honed over the years.

I started blogging probably in 2001-ish in an Open Diary and moved on to LiveJournal before starting this blog in the summer of 2004. I had a few other Blogger blogs: a secret one and a poetry/photography one. I wish I could still find those and read them. Probably not share them though. ;)


The whole point is that I just wrote my thoughts for a long time. Wrote them to an audience. And even though I didn't know it, I was honing my skills.

In recent years, I've been honing my skills differently: how to write the best 140 word caption. I've become a better photographer, thats for sure!

And while I don't see my photography going any more by the wayside than it already has,* I'd like to get back to that place of honing my writing.

THIS thought, leads us to the bible verse at the start of the post. I struggle with what to actually be writing about. And I came across this verse during my morning quiet time yesterday.

See, I'm not here to gain a ton of traffic,** to make money, or to write a viral post and become famous. All those things are nice things, but I just want to write. God showed me what I should be writing about: HIM and how he is moving in my life.

So, I'll try that. :)

*As in, I can't imagine not doing photography, but I currently have no desire to take it up professionally again.
**Though my stats do tell me that I have one reader in Greece. Is that you, Dad?


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