I've stumbled across the idea of morning affirmations lately. Affirmations are positive thoughts that you speak to yourself. I think the goal is that if you say affirmations enough you will eventually believe them into being reality. So, here are some morning affirmations for your average, kind of a hot mess mom. I enjoy being a morning person. I am a patient mom who does not yell. I am happy and content with the state of my house. My children will eat what I put in front of them. I will be the kind of mom who folds laundry and puts it away. In the same day. My awesomeness as a mother has nothing to do with the abilities or instagram feed of other mothers. I believe in my ability to not swear when I step on LEGO bricks. I will choose being present over being on my phone. I am a tidy and efficient housekeeper. When I want to flip out, I will choose kindness. I acknowledge my imperfections and I will give myself grace. I believe that I'm a good mom.