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Morning pages, online edition

Morning pages is where you just write three pages in the morning. Or at least thats my understanding. Three pages of brain dumping, list making, stream of conscious, I don't know. It's 6:38AM. I went to bed at 11pm and turned off my alarm and put my phone on "do not disturb" (because I knew my sister was going to try to call me at 6am). But I did all that because I wanted to sleep in! And then Mike's alarm went off at 5:30am, shortly after I had woken up at the end of a dream. So, I decided, eh, might as well wake up. And then I wasted like AN HOUR on Facebook. Ugh. Well, I did have to make a graphic and post about the MOPS moms night out tonight. After that, I wasted time on Facebook reading awful sad things (like the Turpin family) and wishing I hadn't. Oh, and my sister called. So, I talked to her for a bit too.

Let's fight the good fight
Train our eyes to find the light
And make this year the best one yet!
-JJ Heller

I'm currently obsessed with the song "Happy New Year" by JJ Heller. I don't know. I always love the New Year because I love a fresh start. Every quarter, month, week, day! is a fresh start! Each day is a brand new day filled with possibilities.

“The future is yet an untrodden path full of wonderful possibilities.” -L. M. Montgomery

Anyway, I feel like my year hasn't gotten off to quite the right start. And I've been listening to the MOPS playlist on repeat and I just love that "Happy New Year" song! It made me think, yesterday, about how everyday can be start start of a new year. A new chance to say, I'm going to try again.

"Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?" -L. M. Montgomery

I've been realizing lately that I'm kind of an Anne. Which I don't hate!

Another thing that has been on my mind is my purpose. Allie Casazza's story has been very powerful to me. I read the blog post and then I went back and listened to her podcast. What resonated with me most is how she just knew the way to go. Didn't know how it was going to work out, but she felt strongly that God had directed her. And, like, I mean, I feel like I'm constantly flailing. I feel often as if I have no purpose. I would say, "Anyone else feel like that?" But I'm willing to bet most people do.

Allie's whole thing is helping moms declutter so we're not drowning in the weight of all of our chores. But, like, I'm relatively minimal. I'm not drowning in my kids toys and, when I feel like I am, I have a purge. I did just get rid of a box of toys. I went through the playroom and tossed everything that was broken, not played with, redundant, excessive, or annoying into a box. The box is still sitting in my laundry room and I'm vigilant about not letting the kids in there, haha. I do plan trying to sell a couple things, though! Like those adorable fuzzy bootie slippers I got Ruth for Christmas that she cries when I ask her to try them on. Ugh. Well, they were only eight dollars anyway.

What was I saying? Oh yeah, I'm relatively minimal. But I'm also messy.

But my point is, I don't think my stuff is the reason that I'm flailing. I think its my head. My emotions. But ALSO. Here's the thing. Other people don't seem think I'm flailing. I think I'm come across with an air of being put together or some silliness like that.

And now Jojo is awake. So bye! :)
