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learning to love my actual life

loving my actual life

I first read "Loving My Actual Life" several months ago. I picked up the book from the public library on a whim because I found the cover and title very appealing. I ended up devouring the book! I've been thinking about the premise of the book again and I just picked it up from the library again for a bit of a refresher.

I'm inspired to have my own experiment in loving my actual life. Sometimes I feel like life is happening TO me instead of me being intentional about living my life. I think that its easier to love your life when you are intentional with purpose instead of flailing. I'm always flailing.

The great thing, if one can, is to stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruptions of one's 'own,' or 'real' life. The truth is of course that what one calls the interruptions are precisely one's real life -- the life God is sending one day by day. ~C. S. Lewis 

I'm reminded of this quote by C. S. Lewis. I have this life I envision, but instead, "real life" is full of interruptions. I want to love the life that I'm actually living--unpleasantness and all.

Alexandra Kuyendall picked nine areas of her life that needed love and focus: quiet, mornings, dates (relationships), health, adventure, home organization, creativity, meals, and passions. One topic a month for nine months. While perusing the book again, I find myself wanting to focus on ALL the topics right now! But I know that would not be focused. I would be temporarily enthusiastic and neglectful of the experiment overall.

It's December 5th. Alexandra also started her experiment in December, so I'm going to go for it and see what happens.

Each chapter has questions for reflection. Here are the questions at the end of the introduction.

  1. What is motivating you to make a change to love your actual life? I feel like I’m flailing in my life. I am a disorganized hot mess that desperately wants to live intentionally. 
  2. What would you like to get out of this experiment? A more purposeful life 


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