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Showing posts from December, 2014

Top 14 of 2014

#14  Daily photo | Golden hour at the playground #13 Family Date Night #12 #fmsphotoaday | i love this #11 Eating sweet potatoes #10 Miracle Hill #thriftfashion #9 Week one with Baby Joseph #8 Guest Post: Morgan's Top Tips for Saving to Splurge #7 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas #6 Week two with Baby Joseph #5 Joseph is three months old! #4 Introducing Joseph Bruce #3 Joseph is six months old #2 Joseph's birth story #1 Grand Memories | Emily of Keepers of the Orb Yep, this guest post had more than twice the hits that Jojo's birth story had! And for a good reason. Emily is an excellent storyteller. So click that link and then click through to her blog. Especially if you're a mom. If you're pregnant, go through the archives to the beginning of the blog. It's definitely something you'll be able to relate to! :) I really enjoyed making this list becaus...


So, I'm doing this breakout session on Clickin Moms called " The Art of Authenticity. " It's about capturing "authentic, honest moments." This resonated with me because I'm trying to get better about documenting our life and I want these photos to be REAL. Tie that in with the fact that I want more photos of me with Joseph (more than just iPhone selfies!) and I have found myself inspired to take self portraits.  So, one morning were listening to Christmas music and a song came on--I don't remember which one--but I just had to dance around. Joseph actually likes it when we dance around. He snuggles and makes happy noises. It was mid-song when I thought, "Hey! This is the kind of photo I would love to have of me and my mom! I'm making this happen!" I grabbed my camera, put it on the bar and angled it using the lens cap. Set the timer and, there you have it. :) After this, it was nearing nap time and we always always read boo...

early morning reading

Joseph loves to pull all the books off his shelf. The really cute thing about it, though, is he likes to sit among the books and find ones to flip through. Brown Bear has always been a particular favorite.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

For the past few years, I've been putting up the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. This year, I decided to dedicate November to doing 30 days of thankfulness and so, Christmas was saved for December. As today is December 1st, we pulled all the decorations out of the attic. We pushed some furniture aside to put the tree in front of the front window. I think a window is the perfect place to put a tree, don't you? It makes the front of the house look so happy! Joseph was happy to explore all the boxes and various plastic ornaments. He went down for his nap before the Christmas tree was done. When he woke up, I sat him down in front of the tree. He didn't know quite what to think of it! He reached out to touch a branch a few times, and then quickly drew his hand back. It didn't take him too long to warm up to the tree though! I love having the Christmas tree up! It put me in such a great mood today and I'm really looking forward to Jojo...