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On The Floor | #fmsphotoaday

These days, I am embracing my role as amateur. I've decided to officially close up shop. At least for now. (It's not like I've done much work this year anyway!)

However, after last night's Shutterbuds meeting, I realized how much I really miss taking my time to create a great shot. I've decided to continue to pursue photography. But as an amateur, which, by the way, is French for "lover of."

I'm excited to really hone my skills with the tools I have without having to think about taxes, clients, deadlines, etc. I spent a fair bit of money last year on education, gear, etc, so I'm happy to really use those tools for all their worth.

I'm home with my son all the time, though, and I don't exactly have a wide variety of subject matter. So, I really wanted some sort of exercise to, I don't know, help jump start my stalled out photography car. I decided to use the Fat Mum Slim photo prompts and today's was "on the floor."

On the floor are books. Always books. I might put them away but Joseph loves to pull ALL the books off the shelf. Then he crawls over them trying to find the right one, plops his fluffy butt down and starts flipping pages. It really is adorable.


  1. I am feeling this too! I love your photos!


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