[ source ] So, today marks the beginning of week #4 that I have been waking up before the sunrise to meet up with three other women and go on a 3-ish mile walk/jog around a local university campus. My alarm clock goes off at 5:30AM (giving me 10 minutes of sleepy time, 5 minutes of getting ready time, and 15 minutes drive time to start out walk by 6AM) which is SO DANG EARLY. It's so early that, as we're getting back into our cars after our three miles, the sky has that sun-kind-of-is-kind-of-isn't-up look to it. Actually, that was before daylight savings time. Today, the sun rose after I finished my walk AND went grocery shopping. Oh, did I mention that if we don't show, we owe the group $5? Money is a great motivator for me! [ source ] My main goal in getting up and exercising is not, in fact, the obvious fitness benefits. It's the up and at 'em that I really need. And trust me, nothing wakes you up like a three mile walk in 35º ...