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30 day photography challenge: days 4-6

See, told you I wasn't going to be able to keep up with posting everyday. :) Here are the photos from days 4, 5 & 6.

6 out of 6 ain't too shabby. Let's see if I can keep this up. It helps me to have a list to follow. Today, I brought my camera to work and kept looking up and seeing if anything looked good from down below. (Since today's challenge was to take a photo from a low angle.) In the end, I ended up crouching in my driveway, looking up. The setting sun had been swooning me the whole way home and I just had to have it in my photo.

My Aunt Mary Ann made me this quilt for me wedding gift. I absolutely adore it! I was walking out of the office with camera in hand, ready to scour the house for something green when my eye landed on the quilt. I crouched down to photograph it and noticed the flickering candle on the coffee table. Perfect! External flash bounced off ceiling on this one.
Editing: Eric Kim's Lomo Pop preset
ISO 2500 | 50mm | f/1.4 | 1/60sec

Luckily my camera was on the counter next to me when Coco started jumping on me! I knew right away that this would be my image of the day.
Editing: tweaked exposure, clarity & tone curve
ISO 500| 50mm | f/1.4 | 1/60sec 

This is like bokeh overload! It is the result of the setting sun and lots of foliage: oak leaves, pampas grass, and wisteria vine. Lots of wisteria.
Editing: messed around with the histogram in LR until I got it how I liked it.
ISO 160 | 50mm | f/1.4 | 1/400sec


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