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30-day photo challenge: days 10-14

Meet Suzy, or Suzie, in these past twenty years, I never really have settled on a spelling. I won her in a raffle when we were little and lived in Guam. She's pretty much the only thing I have ever won in a raffle. She's a puppet and when I lived at home, my dad used to use Suzy to wake me up. Except, with my dad, she's Ralph. A male dog who complains about wearing a dress and talks like he smokes way too much. He also bites.

I don't know about y'all, but when I hear the phrase "something blue," I think of weddings. These are my wedding shoes. Before that, they were the shoes I wore at Sharon's wedding at which I was a bridesmaid.

It actually took me several days to remember to take a photo of the sunset. I kept remembering after the sun went down. Fat lot of good that does. Well, this is a photo of the sun setting over the neighborhood. :) 

It was hard to find anything that I had 13 things of and, while wandering around the kitchen, I turned around and saw myself in the mirror backing of one of my spoon racks. Perfect solution! This is just a small handful of my large spoon collection.

This photo wasn't what I had intended taking, but, it's what I ended up with! Bella, our sweet dog, has crazy eyes. 
And, yes, I'm WAY behind in this Challenge. I'm hoping to get my butt in the game and actually finish by the end of the month though. We'll see. :)


  1. Love the spoons! hopefully you can add your Wall Drug soon:) I still have to get it to you. I was planning on doing my wedding shoes for something blue too! yay:) i miss bella, by the way.

  2. Ooh, have you ever read the book The Thirteenth Spoon? Love it!


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