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Happy 3rd blogiversary, In Pursuit!

After reading Stargirl's blog post which looks all all the Aprils past, I wanted to do the same. I'm jealous that she can go all the way back to 2002 because she's always had that blog. I had an OpenDiary in 2002. I've also had a LiveJournal, a MySpace blog, and other Blogger blogs.

None of those blogs are active anymore. Most of them were deleted. I'm bummed that I did that, because I wish I could read what I was doing back then.

I remember once, I was I was reading a post about how my boyfriend at the time took me to see Disney On Ice: Beauty & the Beast. I have absolutely ZERO recollection of ever doing that! Isn't that funny? I must have, because I described it so clearly. But I don't remember that. And now, I don't even remember the link to that journal...but I probably deleted it.

I've recently remembered that I toyed with the idea of transferring my old blog, OverAnalyzed, to wordpress for a while and it's still there. So, if you'd like, you can click here to read some of the insanity that I used to write about.

But today? Today is about THIS blog. In Pursuit. Today, this blog has officially been around for three years.

Three years ago, I was freshly and painfully single. I decided to start a new blog (the original url was as a way of turning over a new leaf. I was determined to have an interesting blog and as well as finally keep up with a daily photo. We all know what a failure that's been! All the daily photos from that month aren't visible because I've since deleted that google account. I had also just gone to my first lindy exchange, ATLX.

Two years ago, I was reeling over the fact that Alex was turning six (and now he's eight years old!), struggling with exams, fully obsessed with dancing, and relishing in the fact that I was back together with Mike.

One year ago, I had been married to the love of my life for eight whole months! I was making lots and lots of jewelry and working on my photography. Oh, and I was also getting ready to go on our big trip to Bangladesh! I know that I was also getting ready to move into this beautiful house, but I didn't blog about it, apparently.

Happy 3rd birthday, little blog! Here's to many more years to come <3


  1. Yay! Happy Blogiversary! I love your new look! I JUST tried out the cute shabby yellow background (but it was too wide for mine, oh well!), LOVE!

    Congrats on 3 years :)

    xo alanna


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