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so much pretty: family dinner

These photo were all taken yesterday at my parents' house. We were up for a family dinner (we missed you Leo, Kristy & Kyle!) I love hanging out with my sister and wish she would just succumb already and move back to Greenville. I took Stargirl's and she took mine. These photos were also all taken on my point and shoot. (I think my arm looks so gross in that photo. I'm holding it at a weird angle or something. I do eat.)

We'll start with Stargirl. She's wearing clothes. Pretty clothes. Her outfit was inspired by me, because, I'm extremely fashionable. Why are you laughing at me???  You want the real story, you'll just have to wait for her to email me the deets. Also, in this photo, she is sticking her tongue out trying not to laugh out loud because I told her to not smile. 

Stargirl is wearing red shoes. Does everyone own red shoes but me? My nikes have red on them--does that count? I really loved Stargirl's multi-chain necklace. I should have stolen it from her before we left...

Now me. This is the 2nd time I wore this exact same outfit, but I didn't take photos the first time. So, really, it doesn't count. Only three people saw it: Mike, and a couple we had dinner with.

I'll be honest right now, the orange top is a maternity top. Yep. My boss gave me all her old maternity clothes (for one day in the FUTURE) and I was looking though them when I found this top and another one in pink. I took them out and have been wearing them ever since. They don't look maternity, they're just cute. So, that's my dirty secret: I wear maternity tops. I hope they don't jinx me.

From head to toe: my husband's Giorgio Armani glasses, earrings from a friend, scarf from a friend, Old Navy maternity top, Mossimo black vest-thing, bracelet from the Phillipines, Refuge skinny jeans, Madden Girl boots.


  1. I <3 <3 <3 the pictures of me. The first pic with my tongue sticking out is excellent. Also in the collage, the sitting on the porch (this one is my favorite!) and the far right middle.

  2. While looking at Stargirl's photos I thought:

    "Stargirl is wearing red shoes. Does everyone own red shoes but me? My nikes have red on them--does that count? I really loved Stargirl's multi-chain necklace. I should have stolen it from her before we left..."

    (with the exception of the Nikes), and then I had to laugh when I read your next few sentences!


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