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The final rose: live blogging the Bachelor season finale

So here we are, it's down to Tenley and Vienna. Who will Jake Pavelka choose? I can only hope that Ali comes back as the Bachelorette!

I've decided to live blog while watching. Why? Because I constantly want to tweet about it, but have issues about flooding my followers with nonsense about this show. Also I've never lived blogged before. I've got a bug in my ear and want to try it.

The show starts in 15 minutes. See you then!

8:00 - Woo-hoo! 8pm sharp--it's on! The teaser is annoyingly confusing!

8:06 - Jake: "You're not supposed to be in love with two women at the same time." Uh, yeah.

8:09 - Mom: "Is she the girl that everybody hated?" Your momma knows something, Jake!

8:11 - Awkward = Meeting your boyfriend's family for the first time. On TELEVISION.

8:14 - Hook, line, and sinker. They're in love with Tenley....I am so shocked!

8:17 - Love the editing. You don't have an opportunity to like Vienna. (Not that I would.)

8:20 - Okay, Tenley's time with the family wasn't awkward at all now that I see Vienna with them!

8:22 - Vienna can't even answer what she likes about Jake? And couldn't she have don't her hair...

8:26 - I bet Tenley got grilled too. The just didn't show us.

8:29 - Sister-in-law: "So won't you be shocked if he doesn't choose you in the end." Ooooh. If only that could be foreshadowing.

8:40 - I would hate to be the winner. Because you got a guy that's also really in love with someone else? Jake says it's the "hardest decision he'll ever make." He just thinks he loves one a little bit more than that other girl? Ugh. It's a lose-lose situation.

8:48 - Okay. Not even gonna lie. The hot spring date is pretty dang cool. The mud is probably good for the skin too...

8:57 - Vienna finally brushed her hair. Thank goodness. Still way to fried, though.

8:59 - Vienna just gave Jake a promise ring. That her Dad gave her.

9:09 - Seems appropriate. Jake took Vienna to an active volcano and Tenley on a gorgeous boat ride around the beautiful island.

9:12 - Wow. I think Jake may have just blown his chances with Tenley.

9:15 - Jake looks like he's been crying. Again...I'm shocked.

9:18 - Uh-oh. Jake started out by telling Tenley how beautiful she is. That's usually a bad sign as far as Jake is concerned.

9:20 - Always with the champagne.

9:23 - I'm a sentimental fool. Vienna's gift might have been pretty, but I liked Tenley's shadowbox so much more.

9:24 - Tenley said "I love you." Jake said "I love it."

9:28 - Like Tenley, I often eat breakfast in my bikini.

9:32 - Vienna? Naturally Sexy? Did I hear that right?

9:36 - Journey. Journey. Journey.

9:41 - Okay. I've decided. I hope he chooses Vienna. Then Tenley can get over him and lead a happy life and meet the *real* love of her life.

9:43 - I can't decide whether this is sounding good or bad for Tenley. But I think it's bad. But "I love you. I mean, you're just perfect." But there he goes with the waterworks again.

9:45 - Jake told Tenley that something just doesn't feel right? You guy's might look like Barbie & Ken together, but I think you're better off Tenley.

9:48 - Seriously. Would you want to be the girl that got engaged to that guy? Who just broke up with his other girl friend and cried about it. MINUTES before he proposed to you?

9:52 - Usually I hate it when the girl's driving away say "He's going to realize he made a mistake." But this time I think Tenley's right. Jake did not choose the better woman.

9:58 - Jake doesn't look like a man who is solid in his choice. He still looks torn.

9:59 - Did Tenley cling to Chris like that? I have issues about arm linking. Just ask my bridesmaids & groomsmen. LOL.

10:00 - Huh. This also sounds bad.

10:01 - He's also giving Vienna's promise ring back!!!!

10:02 - Oh. Now he's proposing. Way to get my hopes up.

10:03 - Not like I didn't know this was coming. They do look happy and in love, and I've got to give them that. On the wings of love....

**After The Final Rose**

10:07 - Oh, replay the breakup for Tenley. What a great idea! I'm sure she's loving it.

10:11 - Chris is getting on my nerves. Tenley obviously doesn't know all the answers. I feel like he's keeps asking her what when wrong to make her feel awkward.

10:15 - OMG. In Dancing With The Stars news, Twitterverse thought the 11th contestant would be Tenley. It's Jake!

10:17 - Tenley: Ohmigoodness, you smell so good! Jake: [scoots away]

10:18 - Let's have that awkward "Let's find closure" conversation in front of a live audience. This is making Tenley seem like the clingy ex-girlfriend.

10:21 - "I  can say that I am relieved that I wasn't her if you were feeling that much passion about both of us." Well said Tenley. How does Jake respond? It was a "magical spark."

10:31 - I wonder if they edited it for us to dislike her and scripted the girls to lie (wouldn't be unheard of) to make us seriously dislike Vienna...

10:39 - What is different about Vienna? She got her roots done. But I think she's skinnier too...

10:43 - Sorry Vienna, but I think some of those tabloid stories have actual pictures to back them up!

10:47 - They're dancing to a live performance of "On The Wings Of Love." I bet that will be their song.

10:49 - Okay, okay. Despite my feelings for Jake or Vienna, it's sweet in a cheesy way. I love cheesy.

10:54 - And the next bachelorette is.....Ali! I love her!


Okay, bedtime for me! Can't wait until May :)

***Update: Some final thoughts***

I had to get a good nights sleep before posting my final thoughts. 1) Mike came home right as they announced Ali was the Bachelorette and I wanted to snuggle with my hubby instead of blogging. 2) I was too tired to think.

I personally think that going on the Bachelor/Bachelorette as a way to find love is not the best idea. I totally echo what Tenley said: "I can say that I am relieved that I wasn't her if you were feeling that much passion about both of us."

Not only are you in a competition with 25 other women to snag the man you [think you] love--or men, as the case may be for the Bachelorette--but you're on a reality television show. Jason and Molly, from the last season of the Bachelor, are getting married. ABC is touting it as "The First Ever Bachelor Wedding." Jason was the 13th bachelor and we are only now having a wedding? That might say something to you, in case it wasn't already obvious, about finding true love in six weeks while the cameras are always rolling.

Do I begrudge Jake for choosing Vienna? No, that was his choice. They seem to be quite happy and that's great! I read some tweets that people are still upset about this. It's not like it affect my life that much! Why should I be upset? I knew going into it that I was wasting at least two hours of my week by watching the show.

And now I'm wasting part of my life blogging about it. But, hey, it's television. I came to be entertained and I certainly was. Also, I'll be back in May for Ali.


  1. 1) the girl on the left is prettier. Which is she?
    2) the times aren't showing up on your actual post. but they were in google reader.

  2. 1) The girl on the left is Tenley.
    2) I took the times off. They seemed overkill.

  3. WHAT? Put them back on? Can you? DO EET. They were not over kill. They add to the "live blogging" feel.

  4. How's that?

    The "I love it" was in reference to the gift.

  5. Oh. Well, you know I don't have cable anyway. Is Vienna southern? She looks really southern. Lahk she taalks lahk theeus (I can't write in southern, sorry).

  6. She's from Florida which doesn't count. She's definitely white trash, though. And I don't have cable either. It's on ABC. But look up #bachelor on Twitter. It's hilarious.

  7. Anyway, did Jake say "I love you, too" I think that's what threw me off.

  8. He said to the camera "I love Tenley," but from what we saw, I'm he didn't say that to her.

    But Reality Steve (blogger whose predictions have been pretty dang spot-on) has predicted that he chooses Vienna.

  9. AHAHHAHAHA. No one is rooting for Vienna. Because she looks like a horse. Mom and dad gave me their old TV. But I don't have an antenna. Mostly I want to hook up all our older consoles to it (the Super Nintendo, GameCube, PS2 and X-Box) because that would be awesome. 360 is staying in Kevin's room.

  10. I have seen two people rooting for Vienna. One blogger and one tweeter. And then there's the other 99.9% that are currently hating Jake.

  11. good post. i feel caught up now, even though i only actually watched the girls tell all week. LOL...after bashing the show left and right, I admit, I was kind of anxious to know how it ended. LOL.

    And if someone like Jake chooses someone like VIENNA (who has a fabulous name, sad to say, not matching of the personality), Tenley should RUN for the hills!

    And is that true only ONE couple has ever actually made it to the altar?? That's INSANE!

    And clearly the show is NOT an appropriate means of finding everlasting love. I mean, who wouldn't love to watch their husband make out with 25 different women only to make sure you were really the right one? Gross.

  12. Thanks for the recap lol. I didn't watch. So, I just wanted to let you know that you need to text me! We need to get together, eat unhealthy food, see the goats, and i need to buy that necklace from you. Not to mention, I wanna know how the house and trip are coming along!

  13. I don't watch the show, but I enjoyed your recap. Is it just me, or do those two girls look amazingly alike in the pictures you posted at the beginning? His mom must look similar, you think?

  14. i very enjoy your writing taste, very exciting.
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