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28 Dorsey

I love my house. I love love love it. Sometimes, I swoon to Mike, "Baby! It's our home!" And I'm super excited about our home. We've come a long way. It's not done yet, but most of the big hard stuff is done. I've moved the house photos from Flickr to Picasa. Mostly because I have much more space on Picasa and I want to save my Flickr space for my photos that are more than just snapshots.

I had a lot of fun transferring the photos and seeing the progress! I often took pictures of the fireplace, so here's a progression of our living room for you.

31 August 2009: the day we closed on the house

05 September 2009: wall paneling & built-ins gone

31 October 2009: walls mostly dry-walled

29 December 2009: walls fully drywalled, mudded & taped, and primed

09 January 2010: ceiling painted, crown molding and trim around door

27 February 2010: walls & trim painted, floors refinished

See the rest of the house photos at this online album.


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