Remember those hanging flower baskets at Mike's place? Well, I was removing dead flowers, leaves, whatnot today. I started with the basket on the far left when a flutter rusty-brown feathers flew at me, freaking me out. I screamed an amusing little-girl scream. After a few seconds I tentatively peeked into the basket and then ran inside. "Mike! Come see!" What did we see? A bird nest containing a few little white eggs with brown speckles. Then I heard the mama bird screaming at me. So, I took care of the other three baskets and left that one alone before coming inside to read up on birds. I've determined that it's a Carolina Wren nest. How appropriate--the Carolina Wren is the SC state bird. ^_^ Also, I found out that Carolina Wrens may mate for life. Awwww... Incubation lasts 12-14 days and the first of the babies take off within 12-14 days of hatching (says Wikipedia). So stay tuned for updates.