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How to be positive when you're positively bummed.

You've got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between

When things get rough, it can be hard to not "latch onto the negative." If I find myself in a funk and I don't take action, I could be in a crazy mess rough place real soon. The recession, the cold weather, and goodness-knows-what in your personal life can get you bummed. These little ideas I'm about to list are assuming that you're bummed and not genuinely in need of serious mourning. Sometimes, we need to be sad. But if you are in a little funk and want some tips out, here are some things that I use when I'm feeling down:

  • Have a happy song. Okay, this is really cheesey. But I like cheesy. :D Certain songs just make me happy! Find the right song to counter your mood. Sometimes I'll need a female-empowerment song (hello, Beyonce!) or a God is almighty song or a fun swing dancing song. After some asking around, I've found that other people also use songs to counter their bad moods.

  • Write it down. I have a red book that I keep beside my bed that I call my "Thankful Book" or my "Happy Book." It's like a diary, but I'm only allowed to write nice things. Even the smallest and most simple of nice things: "I had a fun time doing absolutely nothing all day with Mike," or "Thank you God for a presentation not screwed up!" or "I was really able to serve my friend today." This premptive strike on dumpy feelings totally workes for me.

  • Technology pick-me-ups. If you're anything like me, you save nice emails and text messages. I love to get sweet text-messages from Mike because they really make my day. I save them and sometimes, if I'm bummed, I look back over them. Like this one that he sent me last August: "Just wanted to make you smile ;)" Hmm...still works five months later.

  • Wisely choose who you hang around with. If that friend your hanging around is the one who always makes you feel bad--maybe you should second guess who you're hanging around with. If you're in a funk, surround yourself with those girlfriends who you know are going to help you have a good time. The ones who will distract you with Briget Jones's Diary, chocolate ice cream, and nail polish. Umm...except for the guys who are reading this. That would be weird.

  • Do something nice for someone else. Let's move out of you-ville for a minute and realize that your problems are not the end of the world. Put the focus on someone else. Listen to a friend, volunteer at a soup kitchen or nursing home, call or visit your mother--you know she misses you. Doing something nice for someone else will not only temporarly distract you from yourself, but it's also like therapy and you'll probably feel better.

  • Remember that God is in control! Sometimes, when I am in seriously bummed, I have to remember that God is in control. He may not take away my pain, but He will see me through to the other side. These two verses really help me. The first one is written on the front page of my "happy book" and the latter is a verse I learned in high school. I've posted it once or twice and I use it to remember that, yes, God really does have a plan for my life.
    • Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8
    • For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
How about you? What do you do when you're bummed?

♥, TiffanyAnne


  1. I read "In Pursuit" like today. Thanks, Tiff. You have no idea how badly I need this right now. (But God did!)


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