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Christmas countdown

Christmas is one week from today. It's coming so quickly! Is everything ready? Am I ready to fly out on Monday? Have I bought all the presents? As the final days of Christmas tick by, I thought about all the ways we countdown to Christmas.

Advent comes from the Latin word adventus which means "coming" and rightly so as Advent is the season in which we anticipate the coming of Jesus--a sort of "christmas countdown." For those who celebrate Advent, the only pink candle on the wreath was lit last Sunday to signify the start of that Advent is half-way through.

There are so many Christmas calendars that people have. Little houses with 25 boxes. Or 25 drawers. Carboard calendars with 25 preforated flaps underneath which lies a piece of chocolate! We never had those in my house growing up. Plush calendars with little plush presents or animals in each day.

The kiddos have a Santa calendar which has a little pockets for each day from December 1 until Christmas day. A plush present attached to the calendar by a string is moved (taking turns!) each day to get the kids excited about Christmas coming.

How do you countdown the days until Christmas?

♥, TiffanyAnne


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